Embroidery Tools Embroidery Stitches Color Mixing
What is a needle?
This is a small, sharp sewing tool that is made of metal.
What is the backstitch?
This is a type of stitch that is used to make outlines where the stitches are lined up end to end.
What is green?
The color that you get when you mix blue and yellow.
What is an eye?
This is the word for the opening in the top of a needle.
What is the split stitch?
This is a type of stitch that is used to make outlines where each stitch splits the middle of the stitch before it.
What is blue, green, and violet?
These are colors that have a cool temperature.
What is a pin cushion?
This is a soft object that is used to hold needles and pins when they're not in use. Ours are shaped like tomatoes.
What is the satin stitch?
This is a type of stitch that is used to fill in shapes where stitches are lined up side by side.
What is orange, yellow, and red?
These are colors that have a warm temperature.
What is a hoop?
This is a circular wooden tool than is used to stretch fabric.
What is the french knot?
This is a stitch that looks like small, circular knots that are raised above the fabric.
What is a tint?
This is a color that is light in value.
What is the strawberry hanging off of the pin cushion?
This is the tool that sharpens needles.
What is floss?
This is the type of thread that is used for embroidery.
What is a shade?
This is a color that is dark in value.

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