Color Wheel | Color Schemes | Lines | Shape | Texture |
What is Hue?
The purest or brightest form of color on the color wheel
What is Complementary
Appear opposite each other on the color wheel
What is Straight, curved, or jagged
The 3 types of lines in design
What is Triangle Body Shape
Shapely bottom with smaller waist
What is Texture
Is the surfacce quality of the clothing
What is Shade?
Appears on the inner most part of the color wheel and is made when a color is mixed with black
What is Monochromatic
Are all the same color and are subtle and peaceful to the eye
What is Makes the body look Larger
Lines far apart on clothing
What is Arrow
Deflects the gaze downward
What is Larger
Shiney textures make the body look
What is Primary Colors
3 total colors found on the outer most part of the color wheel.
What is Triad
Will be evenly spaced on the color wheel and tend to be vibrant
What is Line
Distinct, elongated mark as if draw by a pencil or pen
What is Tubular shaped clothing
Silhouette shape that makes a person look slimmer
What is Rough Textures
Subdue the color of fabric
What is Secondary colors
Are made when red, blue, or yellow are mixed.
What is Analogues
Are found in nature and appear next to each other on the color wheel
What is Decorative lines
Lines formed with ruffles, edging, top-stitching, lace, tabs, flaps, appliques, or buttons
What is I shape
Carries gaze upward and makes body look taller
What is Structural Texture
Created when a garment is manufactured
What is Hue, value, and intensity
Are the 3 different dimensions or qualities of color
What is Accented Neutral
Combine with a bright/bold color, versatile in clothing and pleasing to the eye
What is Diagonal Line
Type of line direction that causes feelings of action and strength in design
What is Diamond Body Shape
Hips are broader than bust and shoulders and the midsection is full
What is Added Visual Texture
A pattern printed on the suface of the fabric