Walk the Line | Get in Shape | Don't Say The "P" Word! | The Final Frontier | Totally Random |
What is a line?
A dot or point with a direction of movement through space.
What is organic?
Also a type of food, pinecones, leaves and many swimming pools are this shape.
What is white?
This color of light contains all visible hues.
What is linear perspective?
Using lines to create the illusion of space.
What is Gestalt?
In German, this word means "unified whole".
What is contour line?
This describes the outer surface and interior detail of an object.
What is a shape?
This is an enclosed area that has no beginning or end.
What is a tint?
Adding white to a color creates this.
What is a vanishing point?
Parallel lines appear to meet here in the distance.
Who is Chuck Close?
He created large figurative paintings of himself and his friends' heads using a grid system and daubs of color.
What is implied line?
An arrangement of objects or shapes that creates the illusion of a continuous line.
What is geometric?
This kind of shape is precise and sharply defined and includes circles, pentagons, and squares.
What is blue-green?
This is the complement to red-orange.
What is relative size?
When objects get farther away, they appear to shrink or diminish.
What is still life?
Artists often paint this as their subject, which usually include everyday objects placed on a table.
What is hatching?
A technique of creating shading with repetitive parallel lines of various lengths.
What is dynamic?
This type of shape, such as an arrow, appears to be active and suggests movement.
What is a color wheel?
The 12 basic hues are usually arranged on a circular one of these.
What is space?
The words above, below, around, behind, into, and through all indicate position in this.
What is figurative art?
This type of art uses real objects as the subject matter, but frequently looks unrealistic and manipulated.
What is an outline?
This describes the silhouette of an object or shape.
What are negative shapes?
These occupy the space or areas surrounding a tangible object.
What is tertiary or intermediate?
Red-orange, blue-green, and yellow-green are all this type of color.
What is atmospheric perspective?
In the song America the Beautiful, the lyric "purple mountains majesty" refers to this phenomenon.
What is design?
To purposefully plan with specific intention.