Physical Abuse | Emotional Abuse | Sexual Abuse | Neglect | Financial Abuse |
Non-accidental use of force
What is the definition of physical abuse
people speak to or treat elderly persons in ways that cause emotional pain or distress.
What is emotional abuse
Sexual elder abuse is contact with an elderly person without the elder’s consent
What is sexual abuse?
Fail to care for the elderly properly.
What is the definition of neglect?
The misuse of a person's funds and assets
What is financial abuse?
Results in physical pain, injury, or impairment
Physical Abuse results in what?
They feel threatened when being yelled at, habitual blaming
What are signs that a senior has been emotionally abused
True, showing an elderly person pornographic material, forcing the person to watch sex acts,
Not all sexual abuse has to be physical true or false?
Some neglect is not always intentional, true or false?
Caregivers or other people will steal from wallets and purses
Inappropriate use of drugs, restraints, or confinement.
What else counts as physical abuse
Ignoring the elderly person, isolating an elder from friends or activities
Nonverbal psychological elder abuse constitutes as what?
Bruises around breasts or genitals
Where would you expect sexual abuse to be seen on the body?
Unusual weight loss, malnutrition, dehydration
What are signs of neglect?
True, seniors may have the money to pay for the bills because of the lack medicare
Seniors will have unpaid bills due to the lack of medicare
Unexplained signs of injury
What is a sign of physical abuse
Elder's who have have been emotionally abused mimic the signs of dementia
forcing the elder to undress are also considered sexual elder abuse.
What is another act of sexual abuse
Neglect can be so simple even by not being un-bather
Identify theft
An extreme form of financial abuse is?
Rope marks, caregivers refusal to see the senior.
What is an extreme form of physical abuse
True in the sense and sucking their thumb rocking themselves
Elder's who are emotionally abused can start acting like babies true or false
Bleeding from the anal or vaginal is normal?
Leaving a senior in public by themselves, unsafe living conditions
A severe form of neglect is what?
True, wills and power of attorney may be changed without the seniors knowledge
Seniors may have their will changed without their knowing? True or False