Character Types Conflict Setting Commonly Misused Words Sentence Types
What is the protagonist?
This type of character is trying to accomplish something in a story.
What is person vs person?
This type of conflict can be found in Karate Kid when Daniel takes on Johnny at the tournament.
What is California in the 1980s?
This is the setting for the movie the Karate Kid.
What is their?
This is the correct synonym of there (their, they're) in the following sentence. "It wasn't long before _____ mom came to tell them to stop being so loud."
What is an exclamatory sentence?
This is the type of sentence (exclamatory, declarative, imperative, interrogative) shown in "Put that elastic down this instant!"
What is the antagonist?
This type of character is trying to stop the main character from doing something in a story.
What is person vs self?
This type of conflict can be found in The Hobbit when Bilbo is walking down the cave towards Smaug.
What is Middle Earth?
This is the setting for the novel The Hobbit.
What is there?
This is the correct synonym of there (their, they're) in the following sentence. "I doubt that anyone could avoid hearing about World Cup over ______."
What is a declarative sentence?
This is the type of sentence (exclamatory, declarative, imperative, interrogative) shown in "You’re a good man, Charlie Brown"
What is the minor character?
This is the character type that Ali from Karate Kid and Gandalf from The Hobbit are.
What is person vs environment?
This type of conflict can be found in The Hobbit when the party is caught in Mirkwood forest.
What are time, place, circumstance?
These three things are what make up the setting in a story.
What is they're
This is the correct synonym of there (their, they're) in the following sentence. "________ running out of time to finish the test."
What is an imperative sentence?
This is the type of sentence (exclamatory, declarative, imperative, interrogative) shown in "Please lower your voice."
What is a stock character?
This is the character type that the goblins from The Hobbit are.
What is person vs self?
This type of conflict can be found in Karate Kid when Daniel is deciding whether he can still fight after being injured in the tournament.
What is England (Britain) around the year 1900.
This is the setting for Saki's The Open Window.
What is its?
This is the correct usage of its(it's) in the following sentence, "When the dog saw the stick flying across the yard, ____ instinct took over and it ran to fetch it."
What is an exclamatory sentence?
This is the type of sentence (exclamatory, declarative, imperative, interrogative) shown in "This is the best day of my life!"
What is a minor character?
This is the type of character that Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid is.
What is person vs person?
This type of conflict can be found in Saki's The Open Window when Mr.Nuttell is lied to by the niece.
What are person versus nature and person versus society?
These two types of conflict can be caused by the setting of a story.
What is it's?
This is the correct usage of its(it's) in the following sentence, "____ a shame that this year is ending."
What is an interrogative sentence?
This is the type of sentence (exclamatory, declarative, imperative, interrogative) shown in "Are Tim and Connor brothers?"

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