Sentence | Correct the Sentence | What part of speech? | Name the type of Noun or Verb | Miscellaneous |
What is "and"?
This is the coordinating conjunction in the following sentence: The boy and girl went to the store; however, they forgot the milk.
What is buy to buying?
Make the correction for the following sentence: Joseph was buy a gallon of milk but decided to get candy instead.
What is an adverb?
The word in quotation marks is this part of speech: The beautiful ladies pranced "gracefully" on the stage.
What is a common noun?
The noun in the following sentence is this type: The intelligent students understood the correct response.
What is the pronoun we?
In the following sentence, this is wrong: The boy and we jumped over the bridge.
What is "on the couch"?
This is the prepositional phrase in the following sentence: While watching the television, George jumped on the couch.
What is a comma after milk?
Make the correction for the following sentence: After buying the milk Joseph went home with his candy.
What is a noun?
The word in quotation marks is this part of speech: After the assembly, the violent "tornado" ripped through the parking lot.
What is an action verb?
The verb in the following sentence is this type: While the dog chased the girls, they ran quickly through the forest.
What is a conjunction?
In the following sentence, for is being used as this part of speech: For the trial to work, the girls must have the proper equipment.
What is boys, girls, line, example, and students?
In the following sentence, these are all of the nouns: If the boys and girls walk in a straight line, then they will be a good example to the other students.
What is an exclamation point afer amazing?
Make the correction for the following sentence: Amazing I didn't know that you could do that.
What is an interjection
The word in quotation marks is this part of speech: "Ouch!" That hurt!
What is a linking verb?
The verb in the folling sentence is this type: The little fox seemed very clever.
What is boy?
In the following sentence, this is the simple subject: While flying the kite, the timid little boy came out of his shell.
What is were jumping, came, and stopped?
In the following sentence, the verbs are: Jordan and Spencer were jumping on the bed when their mother came in and stopped them.
What is no comma needed?
Make the correction for the following sentence: John and Mary fought over the toy, while their mother was in the other room.
What is an adjective?
The word in quotation marks is this part of speech: The candy cane tasted "delicious."
What is an abstract noun?
The noun in quotation marks is this type: "Love" is a feeling you have for those you hold most dear.
What is shell?
In the following sentence, this is the object of the preposition: While flying the kite, the timid little boy came out of his shell.
What is John?
In the following sentence, the antecedent is: John bought five monkeys with his money; however, he was supposed to buy a car.
What is a preposition should not be at the end of the sentence without its object of the preposition?
Make the correction for the following sentence: I want you to tell me where you are going to.
What is an adverb and preposition?
The words in quotation marks is this part of speech: We will "not" be going "with" you to the parade.
What is a Proper Noun and a Helping Verb?
The noun and verb in quotation marks are this type: The "Eiffel Tower" "was" towering over the Parisian city.
Write a sentence that contains the following: prepositional phrase, coordinating conjunction, common and proper noun, helping verb, and an action verb. All parts must be labeled.