History | Weapons | Ranks | Major Battles | Tactics |
Old Kingdom
In what kingdom did Egyptians needed an army?
The Axe
Which weapon was for hacking and throwing?
What is the lowest rank?
1479 B.C.E
when was the Battle of Megiddo?
Armies used a straight line front of light infantry armed with spear, club, or battle axe, and shield.
what did Egyptians do on the old kingdom?
Who were the first soldiers?
The Mace
which weapon was made out of sticks and stones?
The lowest commander
Who was called the greatest of fifty?
how many men did Pharaoh Tuthmosis III had in battle ?
The one shown by the Hyksos
What is the most efficient tactic?
On The New Kingdom
When was the biggest change?
The most ionic weapon
What is the knopesh?
The general
What is The second Rank?
how many men did Syrians have in battle ?
They were more organized
In what topic where the middle kingdom better than the old kingdom?
Did Early Egypt Have A power full army?
stabbing and throwing
What was the spear used for?
Garrison troops Overseer
Overseer of the Mediterranean coast and Nubian frontier fortresses
List the two types of overseers?
Who won the battle of Megiddo?
The Hyksos
What is The main teacher for most Kingdoms?
The Hyksos were an important influence on Egyptian history, particularly at the beginning of the Second Intermediate Period. Most of what we know of the nature of the Hyksos depends upon written sources, such as the Rhind Papyrus.
Who were the Hyksos
bows and arrows
What is The most crucial weapon?
The Paraoh
which was the highest Rank?
On the city of Kadesh
Where did the second battle took place?
The Hyksos
who introduced main tactics to the new kingdom?