Rulers | Basic facts | Protests | Random Facts | Very Important dates |
Abdel Fattah el-sisi
Who is the current president of Egypt?
What is the captital of Egypt?
25 January 2011
What day did the protests start?
What is the life expectancy?
First protests started against Mubarak
What happened on January 25, 2011
Anwar Sadat
Who was th president of Egypt before Hosni?
What is the main language in Egypt?
Police brutality, lack of freedom of speech, economic issues and low wages
What were some causes for the protests?
February 11
What day did Hosni resign from presidency?
Mubarak announces on live TV he will not re-run for Office
What happened on February 1, 2011
Hosni Mubarak
Who was the dictator of Egypt?
What is the main culture in Egypt?
2 weeks and 3 days
How long did the protests last?
The army
Who ruled Egypt after Mubarak resigned?
Mubarak steps out of Office
What happened on February 11, 2011
What year did Hosni become president?
Egyptian pound
What type of money do the use?
February 11
What day did the protests end?
6 years
How many years was Hosni in prison?
The army overthrows current president Muhammed Morsi telling him to quit
What happened on July 2013
October 6
What day did Hosni become president?
Omar suleiman
Who was the vice president while Mubarak was president?
They used it to post videos of police brutality
How did social media help the protesters?
88 years old
How old is Hosni now?
A new law bans groups of people based on their religion
What happened on January 2014