Theatre History | Ketones Lore | Engineering | 22 Lanky History | Targeted questions (can't answer if its about you) |
Who is Rebecca
The Bad Boy of Masque
What is 3; Elder, Epic?, Superior
Number of Katies in Ketones and what are their nicknames
What is Ohm's Law
What is Julia, Katie, Brian, Martin
First occupants of 22 lanky
What is Caleb and Sam
Tyler's brothers names
What is Homeless Man
The character of Tyler's first Empty Set show
What is a bee
Ketones mascot
What is a salt and water
Products of Acid Base reaction
What is Katie, Olivia, Alec, Fiona
Future occupants of 22 lanky
What is GMC Sierra
What is Jenna's favorite truck
What is 7
the number of exec boards Jenna has been on
What is 9
The number of terms Katie music directed (not assistant)
What is 10001
17 in binary
What is Yazhari
Mike's Last name
What is Eric and Speros
Who has Julia kissed in theatre
What is Nice Guy TM
Paul's nickname amongst exec in Young and Unafraid (Played by Tyler Bouwens)
What is Zoe
The person who crashed the dressing rooms during the last show
What is Newton's second law of motion
The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the impressed force, and takes place in the same direction in which the force acts
What is 56 Oak Hill Rd
Mike's address
What is Lizzie
Who was Talya and Jenna's third roommate freshman year
What is 18
Number of Flats used in the set of Black Comedy
What is A-2020
The term/year Luca joined SHM
What is the equation for heat
Q=m*Cp*delta t
What is Joe, TK, Robbie, Greg, Theo
Occupants of the second floor
What is Luna
What is Rat dog's name