December Holidays | Famous Robots | Physics 'Principals' | Tickle Buildings | Excelling |
What is Hanukkah.
This Jewish holiday is celebrated over 8 days and 8 nights.
What is R2D2?
This friendly robot delivered the main message of Princess Leia in support of the Rebellion.
Who is Albert Einstein?
E = mc^2
What is the Min Kao Building?
This building was named after the CEO of a popular GPS company.
What is TODAY?
Returns the serial number of today's date
What is the Winter Solstice?
This holiday celebrates the shortest day and longest night of the year.
What is Rosie the Robot?
This robot was tasked with cleaning up after the Jetson family.
Who is Isaac Newton?
What is Pasqua Hall?
This building was originally built to serve as the university power plant.
What is CHAR?
Returns the character specified by the code number
What is Poinsettia Day?
This holiday celebrates a beautiful plant normally seen during a common December holiday.
What is Bender?
This crude robot runs off beer and is best friends with Fry.
Who is Erwin Schrodinger?
Is the cat dead or alive?
What is Ferris Hall?
This building was named after the first dean of TCE.
What is CORREL?
Returns the correlation coefficient between two data sets
What is Boxing Day?
This European holiday is celebrated as employers give gifts to their employees.
What is KITT?
This robot had a strong friendship with David Hasselhoff.
Who is Stephen Hawking?
A Brief History of Time
What is Dougherty Engineering Building?
This building houses the headquarters for Tau Beta Pi.
Joins two or more text strings into one string
What is Festivus?
This fictional holiday involves "The Airing of Grievances."
What is Johnny 5?
This lovable robot played the lead in the movie "Short Circuit."
Who is Richard Feynman?
Pictorial Representations of Subatomic Particles
What is Senter Hall?
The building houses the Ion Beam Materials Laboratory.
What is VLOOKUP?
Looks in the first column of an array and moves across the row to return the value of a cell