Straight Outta Campton | Famous Eds | Finishing Strong in the Bible | Medical Malapropisms | Boating 101 |
what is 424 (around 400)
the population of Campton, KY during the 2000 census
who was Ed McMahon
who was Ed McMahon
in 2009 died at the age of 86,was once called the best sidekick for a TV show host ever. Also hosted Star Search and America's Publisher Clearinghouse sweepstakes |
who was Caleb
(Joshua 14)
at the age of 85, announced he was as strong as he was at the age of 40 when Moses first assigned him to check on the promised land
what is Alzheimer's disease
Old Timer's Disease
what is 60 metres or if not possible a safe distance
when driving a power vessel at any speed or towing a person what is the minimum distance both the vessel and the towed person are to keep from a non powered vessel of a person in the water
30, 60, or 100 meters, or whatever seems safe |
what is Swift Creek
A small creek winding through Campton named after a silver miner instead of its speed.
who was Ed Sullivan
hosted a really big TV variety show The Toast of the Town, from 1955 to 1971; was also known by a more common name.
what is 80 years old
(Exodus 7)
the age of Moses when he returned to his homeland to negotiate with Pharaoh to end slavery of God's people
what is spinal meningitis
Smiling mighty Jesus
what is both vessel must turn starboard (their right)
If two power-driven vessels are approaching each other Head On, what must happen to prevent a collision.
a)both vessels must turn to port (left) b)both vessels must turn starboard (their right) |
what are Camp and Town
The name Campton comes from combining two words for which the workers would have called the area while they were working and living in the area.
who is Ed "too tall" Jones
3 time Pro Bowl Defensive end of Dallas Cowboys, also an accomplished boxer was nicked name this because of his height.
who was David
(he died at the age of 70) (2 samuel 5)
This shepherd was a skillful lyre player and excellent marksman became King over Judah at the age of 30 and later over all of Israel. His reign lasted forty years.
what is fibroids in the uterus
Fireballs in the universe
what is starboard (right) side
where should you drive a vessel when in a channel. On the port (left-hand side), middle, starboard (right-hand side) or on any side?
what is treasure
Jonathan Swift supposedly buried this in the area which has never been recovered.
who is Ed Harris
prolific actor known in films including the Rock, A beautiful mind, The Truman Show, and Apollo 13
Who was Job
God blesses him more and he lives an additional 140 years (210 in all)
Arguably at the age of 70, was incredibly wealthy and prosperous. Started with 10 children. God remarked that
"There is one on earth like hime; he is blameless, and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." |
what is she can't breath
chicken breath
What is 60 metres.
Nauti Buoy
The minimum distance which a personal watercraft driver must keep from a designated swimming area is:
10, 30, or 60 metres? |
who was Nathaniel Wolfe
A member of the legislative assembly who the surrounding county is named after
who is Ed Sheeran
25 year old red headed British pop singer/songwriter is known for "All of the Stars" and "the A-team
who was Paul
(Phillipians 1:21)
He said "For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain"
Scholars estimate that he died between the ages of 62 and 68. |
what is coronary artery bypass
coroded atari pipe has
what is Boaty McBoatface
Eventually named the RRS Sir David Attenborough, this British research vessel was considered to be named what by internet voting.