Short Term Effects | Long Term Effects | Street Names | Characteristics | Teen Use |
What is short term effects of using ecstasy
Anxiety, Increased energy, and Irritability
What is long term effects
Impaired memory, hallucination, death
What is common names for ecstasy
Adam, E, XTC, Scooby Snacks, are all
What is attractiveness of the drug
Reasons for symbols on pills
What is 7%
The percent of high school seniors that have tried the drug- a) 30%
b) 2% c) 7% |
What is fatigue
Extreme tiredness caused by the drug
What is dependency
Taking the drug at short intervals in a routine
What is the love drug
Because of increased sense of pleasure in touch, the drug is known as thing term
What is through the mouth
The common way the drug is taken
What is all night parties
The most common time for youth to try the drug
What is afterglow
Physical and mental effects that linger after the main effects fade
What is tolerance
Body builds up resistance to the drug and requires the more to get the same feeling
What is Molly
A common song also used as a name for ecstasy
What is ecstasy
Hallucinogen and stimulant are the best categorization of this drug
What is a sense of belonging and control of their life
Main reasons teens use the drug