Causing Populations to Decrease | Symbiotic relationships | Photosynthesis | Food chains and food webs |
What is a limiting factor?
Any factor that prevents a population from increasing
What is a parasite?
This organism lives on or inside another and harms it
What is solar energy
Plants obtain their energy to grow and reproduce from which energy source?
What is the cricket population would increase?
What would happen to the crickets if frogs became extinct?
What is water?
The most prevalent limiting factor in a desert is.
What is a predator
The great horned owl is a powerful bird of prey. These owls have large ear tufts, have an average body mass of 900-1800 g, and have a wingspan of 91-152 cm. Their eyes face forward, and they are able to turn their heads in almost a full circle. They ra
What is the plants use the sunlight's energy to combine the CO2 and H2O to create food
Plants need sunlight to perform photosynthesis because
recycles into the environment
After the plant or animal dies, its matter
What is the amount of food.
This limiting factor in the arctic prevents multiple types of organisms to live there.
What is mutualistic?
Some insects consume nectar from flowering plants and help the plant by spreading pollen. Which type of relationship between insects and plant is considered...
What is it would not be able to make food.
This is the first thing that would happen if a plant could not obtain carbon dioxide.
What is The birds will NOT all survive because they all eat insects.
A scientist observed that a population of predatory birds is growing exponentially on an island filled with trees and insects. Make a prediction what would happen to the populations.
What is the squirrel population would decrease.
Predatory birds eat squirrels. This would happen to the squirrel population if the number of birds doubled.
What is mutualism.
The Percula clownfish can often be seen hiding in the tentacles of the poisonous Carpet anemone. Clownfish are covered with a slime layer that protects them from the poisonous tentacles of the Carpet anemone. These tentacles keep clownfish safe from pre
What is sugar.
Plants can trap light energy and store that energy in the form of...
What is the sculpin populatin would increase.
Plankton --> Misquito larvae -->Sculpin (a small fish) --> Lake trout.
According to the food chain, which of the following would of the following would be the most likely result of the reduction in the lake trout population? |
What is amount of light, water, and soil type
Three limiting factors for plants are
What is a parasite?
The Rafflesia is a large flowering plant that grows only in the jungles of Indonesia. They have no roots, leaves, or stems and cannot produce their own food. Rafflesia feed off the roots and vines of a host plant called Tetrastigma. Only the buds, flowers
What is temperature or wind speed.
What weather conditions will not affect a plants ability to perform photosynthesis.
What is This would have little if any effect because the great horned owl has a huge variety of food sources.
The great horned owl is a powerful bird of prey. These owls have large ear tufts, have an average body mass of 900-1800 g, and have a wingspan of 91-152 cm. Their eyes face forward, and they are able to turn their heads in almost a full circle. They ra