Economic Terms | Historical Economic Systems | Modern Economic Systems | The Marketplace |
What is Economics?
The study of how people's wants and needs are met.
What is 'Feudalism?"
A system in which hereditary nobles gave protection to the people who lived and worked on his land, in return for their services.
What is 'Socialism?'
An economic and political system in which government own some property, and runs some businesses.
What is 'the Market?'
An area of economic activity where buyers and sellers come together, such as 'Wall Street.'
What is a 'Resource?'
Something that is used to make goods and provide services.
What is 'Mercantilism'
An economic system based on the idea that a country becomes strong by having wealth and controlling the market.
What is 'Communism?'
An economic and political system, based on one party rule, in which government owns all property and businesses.
What is 'Capital?'
Money and financial power based on things of worth, such as buildings, machines, and tools, needed to begin a new company or business.
What is 'Scarcity?'
The economic condition that arises when there is not enough goods or services to meet the needs of the market.
What is 'Capitalism?'
An economic system in which people and businesses own and control production; also known as a "market economy."
What is a 'Mixed Economy?'
An economic system which features aspects of both Capitalist and Socialist economic systems.
What is 'Supply and Demand?'
The amount of a product that is available for sale, versus the amount of a product customers want to buy or are willing to pay.