Prospect Theory | Auctions | Taxation, Supply-side Economics | Economics and the Environment | Miscellaneous |
What is loss-averse?
According to Prospect Theory, people are this. Which explains why they are willing to take risks to avoid losses.
What is an English Auction?
This type of auction involves increasing bids until there is one bidder left.
What is 100%?
At this level of taxes, no one will bother to work because they don't get to keep any of the money they earn.
What is 20%
The eventual cost of climate change is estimated to be this percent of GDP?
What is 2?
What number comes after 1?
What is risk-averse?
When facing gains, individuals are this.
What is Second-price Auction?
This type of auction involves bidders submitting sealed bids. The highest bid wins, but pays the 2nd highest bid.
What is decrease?
Supply-side economist believe that governments should do this to taxes.
What is 1%
If tackled promptly, the cost of climate change would cost this percent of GDP.
What is
What is the square root of 144?
What is risk-loving?
When facing losses, individuals are this.
What is the Winner's Curse?
This concept says the item goes to the bidder who over values it the most.
What is less, and less.
If taxes are too high workers are encouraged to work blank, and so play blank taxes overall.
What is 2.5%?
Without intervention, economic damages from climate change is estimated to be around this percent of world output by year 2099.
What is 206?
The average human body has this many bones in it.
What is utility theory?
This theory opposes Prospect Theory.
What is shading?
This idea states that it is better for bidders to bid less than their valuation, otherwise they may end up paying over the odds.
What is a maximum?
Somewhere between 0 and 100% lies the point where tax revenue is at this?
What is collective government intervention on a global scale?
This economic action is needed in order combat environmental problems.
What is Rome?
This city is the capital of Italy.
What is risk and uncertainty?
Prospect Theory involves making decisions under this and this?
What is Revenue Equivalence Theory?
This theory states that when bidders value items independently, all for types of auctions yield the same revenue for sellers.
What are Demand-side/Common Sense, and Supply-side?
What are the two opposing economist views on taxes?
What are climate change, depletion of natural resources and fossil fuels, and global warming?
These these three things are considered a cost of economic prosperity. (Name 2)
What is 25?
I am this age.