Levels of Organization | Energy in an Ecosystem | Ecosystem Relationships | Material/Chemical Cycle | Terrestial Biomes |
What is a Population?
A group of individuals of the same species living in the same area at the same time
What is a Decomposer?
An organism that gains energy by breaking down dead plants an animals
What is a Niche?
The biological and physical role or job of an organism in its environment
What is the Nitrogen Cycle?
The chemical cycle that involves nitrogen fixation and denitrification
What is a Tropical Rainforest?
A biome characterized by a warm climate and large amounts of rain and sunlight
What is a Community?
Different groups of species interacting and living in the same area
What is an Omnivore?
An organism that gains energy by eating both plants and animals
What is Predation?
Interaction in which one organism kills and consumes another organism
What is the Water Cycle?
The chemical cycle that involves evaporation, transpiration, condensation, and precipitation
What is a Desert?
A biome that receives less than 25 cm of rainfall each year, has warm temperatures during the day and cold temperatures at night, and has nutrient-poor soil
What is a Biome?
An area on land that shares a similar climate, precipitation levels, soil condition, and dominant type of vegetation.
What is a Heterotroph (consumer)?
An organism that consumes other plants or animals to obtain energy
What is Mutualism?
A relationship in which two or more organisms live together and both organisms benefit
What is a Carbon Cycle?
The chemical cycle that involves photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition and combustion
What is a Deciduous Forest?
A biome characterized by trees that lose their leaves in the fall, nutrient-rich soil, and year-round precipitation
What is an Ecosystem?
All of the biotic species in an area interacting with abiotic environment
What is a Food Web?
The interconnected feeding relationships among organisms in an ecosystem
What is Parasitism?
A relationship in which one organism lives in or on another organism and harms it by taking nutrients from it
What is the Phosphorus Cycle?
The chemical cycle that involves a chemical that is released gradually from rock and is needed to make DNA and RNA
What is Taiga?
A biome characterized by coniferous trees, long, cold winters, and summers that allow the ground to thaw
What is a Biosphere?
The broadest level of organization that extends from Earth's atmosphere to below the ocean floor
What is an Energy Pyramid?
A diagram that demonstrates the amount of energy in each trophic level
What is Commensalism?
A relationship in which one organism benefits from another organism and that organism is neither harmed nor helped
What is a Biogeochemical Energy?
The process by which chemicals, elements, and matter are cycled between organisms and parts of the biosphere
What is Temperate Grassland?
A biome that receives too little rain to support trees and is dominated by grass species growing in nutrient-rich soil