Characteristics and Biome Info | CBI #2 | Nutrients Cycles | Population and Ecological Relationships | PER #2/ Scientific Method |
1. Needs energy, 2. DNA, 3. Reproduce, 4. Must Eliminate waste, 5. Move, 6. Homeostasis, 7. habitat
What are all of the Characteristics of Life?
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species
Name all of the factors used in Taxonomy to determine species (from least to greatest).
absorbation and transpiration
In the water cycle, what are processes that enables water to be filtered/cleaned?
Primary succesion occurs when the area doesn't have enough soil, but secondary succession occurs when an area has soil but is destoryed by disturbance from nature.
Explain the difference between a primary succession and a secondary succession.
Food supply, parasites, diseases, competition, and predation
What are the factors of a desnity-dependent population?
cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere
In chronological order, name steps from a Cell – Biosphere
There are two parts, first and last name
When writting a scientific name, how many parts are there, and what are the parts?
What are the sources that store water on Earth? Atmosphere, surface water, groundwater, and oceans
What are the sources that store water on Earth?
A poineer community is the first colonizers in a successsion. They include mosses, ferns, lichens, and bacteria.
What is a Pioneer Community, and what do they contain in a succession?
D-D and D-I can be interrelated; an example would be an increase of parasites may cause diseases in the population.
Can density-dependent factors and density-independent factors be interrelated? Give an example if they do
Taiga/Coniferous Forests, Deserts, Tundra, Tropical Rainforest, Grasslands, Savanna, and Deciduous Forests
Name all of the Biomes that exist within our Biosphere.
Finish this statement: "The scientific name is always written in _________."
peat, oil, natural gas, and coal
What are the four fossil fuels that are part of the carbon sink?
All of these terms are each a symbiosis
What does Mutualism, Parasitism, Commensalism, and Ammensalism have in common?
death and emigration
Name the two factors that can cause a decrease in population.
DesertWhat type of Biome does little to no rainfall, and has low humidity in the evening?
Would it be possible for two species to have the same name?
through respiration and combustion
Name two ways in which carbon enters the atmosphere.
Large amounts of food, longer summer seasons, milder winters
If the population of hares and lynxes were to increase, what other factor would they be to influence their population?
My independent variable would be the phones
If I were to test if phones can blow up near a nuclear power plant, what would be my independent variable(s)?
Taiga/ Coniferous Forest
Taiga/ Coniferous ForestName the biome where grasses cannot receive the nutrients from the ground being to thin of ice.
Because orgainsms can be different, meaning they're part of the same species, but could look different based on certain points of their life cycle.
Why would scientists use Latin in taxonomy instead of the modern language?
Nitrogen comes from lightining which then goes through nitrogen fixation. It the transforms from N-fixing bacteria into Ammonia and other n- containing compoundsin soil. Next, it goes through nitrification that turns it into nitrates, and even further nit
Describe the process of the Nitrogen Cycle.
Distribution is how the organisms are arranged about in an ecosystem; density is the number of individuals per unit area.
What is the difference between population distribution and population density?
My constants would be the time, the types phones, and a nuclear power plant. There is not control group.
What would be the constants, and is there a control group?