Scientific Method | Engineering Design Process | Metric Units | Microscopes | Bias/unbiased |
What is a Hypothesis
An Educated Guess
What is a problem
This is what the engineering design process starts with
What is 5,000 g
5 kg yields ________ g
What is 2 Hands
This is the number and the Appendages that should be used to carry a microscope
What is I will know
This is one of the five reasons that someone might be Biased
What is Independent variable
A variable that is changed in an experiment in order to get a result
What is build a prototype
This is the next step after you brainstorm and decide on a design plan
What is 23,413 mm
23.413 m yields ________ mm
What is the Scanning the High powered and Low powered objectives
This is the name of the 3 Objective lenses
What is being bias
this is knowing that something is wrong but telling it as fact
What is dependent variable
A variable that is effected by the independent variable and is the result of an experiment
What is report his results
Jethro tested out his prototype of a jet powered tricycle it was a amazing success this is what he should do next
What is 3.2 mm
0.0000032 kg yields ________ mm
What is Scanning Objective
Which Objective do you start with when looking at a specimen?
What is a Random sampling
this is a sample taken where you do not know what how the person will respond and they are relevant to the group
What is the control group
In an experience that is testing fertilizer on plants there are plants with all different types of fertilizer, but this is the plant that is kept isolated with out any fertilizer to see how a plant would grow under normal conditions
What is Make modification to his design
Jimbo tested his paper mache motor cycle helmet prototype. After he recover from his head trauma and get out of the hospital what should his next step be in the EDP
What is 23.412345
23412345. mm yields _______kg
What is the stage
This is where the specimen slide is placed for viewing
What is I will know if you are lieing
Little Timmy wants to find out what the most bestest and most favoritest videogame in his middle school this is a description of one way to take a survey that will be unbias
What is the low-card diet
In an experiment where the type of foods are changed to see which combination will allow for the most weight loss a low-carb diet yields a 14 pound weight loss. this is the independent variable of this experiment
What is create a prototype
Stacy has a great design for a purse make out of dead cats. what should her next step be (besides therapy sessions)
What is 0.0259
259 cm yields ______ Hectometers
What is 100x
this is the combined magnification of the Ocular lens 10x and the low powered objective 10x
What is fact
A bias is usually based on opinions and feelings rather than this