Harry Potter | World War II | World Capitals | Arab Spring | Presidents of the United States |
What is Tom Riddle?
What was Voldemort's given name?
What is 1939?
What year did the war start?
What are Pretoria/Bloemfontein/Cape Town
Name two out of three capitals of South Africa?
Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrein, Libya, Yemen, Syria
Name four countries that had popular Arab Spring uprisings?
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
Who was the first U.S. president to be assassinated?
What is Tom Riddle's diary?
Which horcrux was the first one to be destroyed?
What is Poland?
Which country was invaded first?
What is Buenos Aires?
Which world capital is the hometown of Pope Francis?
What is set himself on fire?
What did Mohammed Bouazizi do to the trigger for the revolution?
Who is JFK?
Who was the first catholic president?
What is Ariana?
What is the name of Dumbledore's sister?
What are Germany, Italy and Japan?
Name the axis powers?
What is Iceland?
Reykjavik is the capital of which country?
What is Libya?
In which country was the American ambassador killed during the Arab Spring?
Who is Lindon Johnson?
Who ascended to presidency after the death of JFK?
What is Regulus Arcturus Black?
What was the name of Sirius' brother?
Who is Winston Churchill?
Who was the British Prime Minister for the majority of the war?
What is Ottawa?
The capital of Canada, the home of the longest skating rink in the world?
Who is Gaddafi?
Which overthrown dictator wrote the Little Green Book?
What are Ohio and Virginia?
Which 2 States claim to be the home of the most Presidents?
What is a doe?
What was Severus Snape's Patronus?
Who are USA, Great Britain, France and Canada?
Which countries were involved in the D-day attacks on the beaches of Normandy?
What is Istanbul?
Which capital was formerly know as Constantinople?
What are shoes?
What did the Egyptians raise in the air as a sign of protest after Mubarak's speech?
Who are Washington and Eisenhower?
Name 2 generals who signed military commissions before becoming presidents?