General Characteristics | Crinoidea | Asteroidea | Ophiuroidea | Echinoidea |
What is the madreporite?
beginning of water vascular system
What are sea lilies and feather stars?
What are gonads and digestive ceca?
these organs extend into each arm
What are brittle stars and basket stars?
names of representatives
What are sea urchins, heart urchins, sand dollars, sea biscuits?
What is an ampulla?
top of a tube foot
What is all are suspension feeders?
type of feeding
What are ambulacral grooves?
tube feet are within these
What is their arms branch?
Basket stars differ from brittle stars in this way.
What are the spines?
function for protection, movement, may secrete toxins or capture prey
What are the tube feet?
allow gas exchange with water
What is up?
direction of oral surface
What are papullae?
these help with gas exchange
What is the digestive system?
this organ system is generally confined to the central disc
What is the inflexible test?
ossicles joined by ligaments and calcified elements
What is connective tissue?
can rapidly alter stiffness and fluidity of this tissue
What is the calyx?
part of animal that contains all of the digestive system
What is autotomy?
can sever arms if threatened
What are madreporites?
May have many of these on the oral surface.
What are regular echinoids?
body is spherical
What are coelomocytes?
cells that aid in wound repair, transport nutrients, provide immune system, help form connective tissue
What are cirri?
flexible "legs" at base of feather stars
What are pedicellariae?
small jaws on aboral body surface
What are bursae?
function for gas exchange and waste removal
What is no true stomach?
Digestive system lacks this organ