Give me the word | Give me the definition | True or False | Scenarios | Starts with ____ |
What is Altruistic Behavior
A child showing concern for others
What is growth in the mental processes used to gain knowledge, such as thought, reasoning, and imagination.
Cognitive Development
What is True
Assessment is the process that involves observing, recording, and documenting children's individual capabilities.
What is Developmental Dyscalculia
Due to a brain injury, Jeremy has a disability that affects a child's mathematical ability.
What is Developmental Delay
Two words: Both start with D
What is Articulation
A child's ability to speak in clearly pronounced sounds
What is the use of logic based on what has been experienced or seen.
Concrete Operations
What is False
Concrete Operational Stage is the second stage of Piaget's developmental stages.
What is Developmental Acceleration
Two year old Kelly is reading The Cat in the Hat
What is Sequenced Steps
Two words: Both start with S
What is Behavioral Expectations
Rules that children are expected to follow
What is coming up with only one right answer or way to do a task
Convergent Thinking
What is False
Gross motor skills involves using the small muscles.
What is Fine Motor Skills
Five year old Kristi was cutting a heart out of a piece of paper.
What is Formal Operations
Two words: First: starts with F Second: starts with O
What is Classification
The ability to mentally group objects by their similar traits
What is Physical and verbal actions, such as facial and body gestures, that influence children's behavior
Direct Guidance
What is True
Dyslexia is a disability that affects someones reading skills.
What is Pantomiming
Ms. Jess was acting out The Cat in the Hat to her class of preschoolers instead of reading it.
What is Preoperational Stage
Two words: First: starts with P Second: starts with S
What is Cognition
The act or process of knowing or understanding
What is Early Childhood Education that uses knowledge about child development; the strengths, needs, and interests of each child within a group
Developmental Appropriate Practices (DAP)
What is True
Sensorimotor Stage is the first of Piaget's stage of development. In this stage, children use their senses and motor skills to learn and communicate with others.
What is Specific Task Assessment
Ms. Meghan gave her students activities so she could determine their skill and needs
What is Teachable Moment
Two Words: First: Starts with a T Second: Starts with a M