Food Habitat
What is all of the above?
White-tailed deer eat twigs, poplar berries, sassafras, or all of the above
What is North America
The white tailed deer are found in ____________,from Southern Canada,through Central America.
What is false? They store a large amount of food.
T or F The Eastern chipmunk stores a small amount of food in their burrows
What is T
T or F The white tailed deer lives in swamps and deserts
What is True?
True or False, The Eastern Chipmunk helps plants and fungi grow by spreading seeds and spores.
What is Herbivores?
Deer are mostly _____.
What is 3?
The White Tailed deer eat ____ times a day when food is available.
What is deciduous?
The Eastern Chipmunk live in open ________ forests and at the edges of woodlands

Eastern Chipmunk and White- Tailed Deer

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