Geosphere | Atmosphere | Hydrosphere | Biosphere |
What is the crust?
The layer of the earth that humans can touch
What is the atmosphere?
The layer of gases that surround the earth
What is the ocean?
Most of the water on earth is found in the...
What are all living things?
The biosphere includes...
What is a natural feature of the earth's surface?
A landform is defined as...
What is oxygen?
What humans need to survive and plants breathe out.
What are interactions between the earth's systems?
What is all weather and climate produced by?
What is an individual living thing?
What is an organism?
What is the inner core, outer core, mantle and crust?
All of the layers of the earth in order.
What is carbon dioxide?
The gas that helps keep earth warm so life can exist
What are salt water and fresh water?
Two types of water on earth.
What is making a renewable source of energy which provides cleaner air than other forms such as fossil fuels?
How do wind turbines affect the atmosphere?
What is oceanic and continental?
The two types of crust
What is the Exosphere?
The last and thinnest layer of the atmosphere.
What is transpiration?
What is it called when plants release water into the air?
What is least?
The biosphere has the __________ amount of matter of all the four earth systems.
What is sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic?
What are the three types of rocks and minerals?
What is the Troposphere?
The layer of the atmosphere where all weather happens.
What is 97.2%?
What is the percentage of water on earth found in the oceans?
What is a community of interacting organisms and their environment?
Define Ecosystem