Solar Energy/Food Webs | Water Cycle | Carbon Cycle/Phosphorus Cycle | Nitrogen Cycle/Eutrophication | Climate change |
A consumer that eats producers
What is a primary consumer?
Water warms up and rises as water vapour
Explain what happens during evaporation
How does CO2 enter the biosphere?
Lightning, Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
List two ways nitrogen fixation occurs
CO2, Methane, water vapour, nitrous oxide
Name 3 different greenhouse gases
An organism that breaks down dead organic material, and returns nutrients to the food web
What is a decomposer?
As water vapour rises, it enters cooler areas of the atmosphere. When it cools, it condenses into water droplets
Why does water condensate?
Short Term
Phosphorus runs from rocks into the soil, and is absorbed by plants. This is the beginning of the _______________ phosphorus cycle
N2 is a stable gas, and needs to be altered in order for organisms to use it
Why does nitrogen need to be fixated?
A cycle that reinforcers itself
What is a positive feedback loop?
Due to the curvature of the Earth, the sunlight is more dispersed at the Earth’s poles, and more concentrated at the equator
Why are the Earth’s poles colder than the equator?
Water leaves behind contaminants when it evaporates or when it travels through soil
How is water naturally purified?
The concentration of CO2 in the ocean is higher than the concentration in the atmosphere
CO2 moves from the ocean to the atmosphere. This happens because:
Algae dies once nutrients run out, and decomposing bacteria break down the dead organic matter
Why do populations of decomposing bacteria increase after eutrophication?
Rising sea levels, permafrost melting and releasing methane, increased flooding
Name two concerns with melting land ice
Temperate differences. Warm air rises, and cool air sinks then rushes in to take its place
Why does wind happen on Earth?
Water droplets are very small, they are warmer than the surrounding air, and the cloud is kept afloat by warm updrafts of water vapour
Why do clouds float?
Source of energy, fossil fuels, photosynthesis
List two reasons carbon is important for humans
Fertilizer, animal waste
Name two sources of nutrient runoff that can lead to eutrophication
More acidic due to the ocean uptaking more CO2. Acidic ocean dissolves calcium which makes up organism skeletons and shells
How is ocean chemistry changing, and what is being affected?
Leopard Seal or Killer Whale
What is the keystone species and why?
Water enters plants through the roots, travels through the plant and leaves through pores in the leaves as water vapour
Explain what happens during transpiration
The process of phosphorus moving from the geosphere to the hydrosphere is called:
Bacteria: Nitrifying bacteria. Sources: Decomposition and Nitrogen fixing bacteria
What bacteria gets its nitrogen compounds from two different sources? What are the sources?
Moving away from hot environment, other animals that depend on the plant for food could suffer
Why are plants shifting north, and what effect might this have on an ecosystem?