Minerals | Rock cycle |
They're formed in nature, are solid, are non living, and have crystalline structure.
What are the four characteristics of a mineral?
What are the five processes of the rock cycle?
Heat and pressure, compaction and cemetation, weathering and erosion, melting, and cooling.
Cleavage and fracture Color Luster Streak Hardness Special properties
What are the seven mineral tests?
Igneous rock is fine grained and coarse grained. Explain how their FORMATION is different.
Fine grained igneous rock is made of tiny minerals while coarse grained igneous rock is made up of big minerals.
What is Moh's Hardness scale and how do we use it?
It is a scale to measure the hardness of a mineral, and we use it by scratching minerals with certain tools to find the hardness.
Where and how is sedimentary rock formed?
It's formed by compaction and cemetation, and it is formed in the ocean; on the sea floor.
What are the three luster types?
Metallic, sub-metallic, and non-metallic.
How and where is metamorphic rock formed?
It is formed in a volcano and magma goes through the process of heat and pressure.
True or false: Streak always matches the color of a mineral.