Job Interviews | Employer Expectations | resumes | Job Search | Your paycheck |
What is 15 minutes
You should arrive this early for a job interview
What is 0
The number of days you are permitted to miss during your probationary period.
What is not including a working phone number.
The most common mistake people make on a resume
What is networking
The number one way people find jobs.
What is a W2
You get this from an employer at the end of the year to show your earnings and tax withheld
What are drug screenings
Employers do this to prevent accidents at work
What is 90 days.
The length of the average probationary period.
What is the length that your resume should be
One page
What are job search websites
Indeed, Monster, Glassdoor
What is sign the back
What you do first when cashing a check
What are the things you should do at the start of an interview
Introduce yourself and if appropriate, give a firm handshake
What is dependability
The number one trait employers look for when hiring.
What is an example of an appropriate email to include on a resume
your name at
What is a cover letter
A personal letter to include with your resume that describes you and your past experiences.
What is direct deposit
When your employer deposits your check directly into your bank account.
What is something you should do to prepare for an interview
Have questions prepared to ask your potential employer
What is what you should do if you are late or need to be absent from work
Call in and let your supervisor know.
What is something that you do not need to include on your resume.
Your references.
What is their social media
84% of employers check this on their employees
What is a W4
A federal tax form that you fill out when you start a new job.
What is what you should bring to an interview
Enough copies of your resume to give to every person conducting your interview
What is the appropriate way to handle a personal call or text at work
Do not answer your phone or respond to a text unless you are on break
Who are a teacher and/or former supervisor
Two people that you can include as references
What is your picture and what you post
Social Media items that impact hiring decisions
What is bereavement
Type of leave you take when a family member passes away.