Emergency Situation | Bodily Fluids/Blood Spills | Injury/Incident Reports | Locations |
Head Guard
In an emergency situation, you should radio what personnel?
Remove your gloves properly, wash your hands, dispose of gloves in biohazard container
How do you prevent contaminants from spreading after responding to an emergency situations
1. Seek further medical treatment 2. Discontinue participation
What two boxes should you always check off on an injury report? (if the injury occurred within a RecSports facility)
Front Desk and the Guard Hut
Where are the two AEDs located in Gregory?
Reassess the victim and provide appropriate care
If you are sent to an emergency situation inside of Gregory and a BC is performing CPR, what should be the first step of action?
Front desk, IM cage, Guard Hut, Natatorium
Where are the biohazard containers located in Gregory? (4 of them)
A person who saw the injury or saw the form being filled out (non-RecSports employee)
The witness on an injury report should ideally be who?
Inside Gregory Gym (interior)
If the Thor-Guard sounds "Red Alert", where should you direct patrons?
When you can no longer see the main drains at the bottom of the pool
In the case of heavy rain, when is it appropriate to close the outdoor pool?
What do we use to clean up blood and other bodily fluids?
When it occurs in a RecSports facility
When do you have to fill out an entire injury report?
Annex Basketball Courts
Where should you direct patrons during a Lockdown?
Who (your name & title); Description of the situation; Exact location; Condition of the victim; Meeting place (21st and Speedway); Care that has already been given
What seven things should you tell UTPD in an emergency phone call?
Apply Red-Z to solidify the vomit; sweep it up; Then apply cavicide; let it sit for 5 minutes; then wipe it up
What are the steps to cleaning up vomit on the pool deck?
Victim, Witness, First Responder, Facility manager
What 4 people need to be named on an injury report?
Basement Level (Classrooms, Faculty locker rooms, etc); Racquetball Observation Area; Student Locker rooms
What are the three tornado safety areas?