This is BS | WTFase | That’s Not What I Said | Iceberg | You’ve Been Warned |
What is Hurdle Help
Giving the patient the information they need to take the next step
What is Escalation
During this phase, the patient may be showing signs of loss of control and have decreased ability to respond to verbal interventions
What is Silence
Communicates respect and understanding
What is Acute Physical Behavior
Behavior likely to result in physical injury
What is Duty of Care
No act or failure to act in a way that results in harm
What is Escalation
Stress Model phase in which these techniques are used most often
What is To Support and Teach
Goals of TCI
What is Eye Contact
A physical and emotional stimulator
What is Meaning
All behavior has
What is Face, Mouth, or Nose
Never place anything over or near
What is Directive Statements
Expectation is important enough to risk escalating the situation
What is Recovery
Opportunity to repair any possible damage to relationship with patient
What is Tone of Voice
Has meaning over and above words
What is Pain-Based Behavior
Behaviors that are the result of emotional and psychological pain
What is The Spark
Aggressive moves and Provocative statements
What is Managing the Environment
Least intrusive technique
What is Baseline
Normal state of functioning
What is Facial Expressions
Conveys the most information
What is Trauma
Affects ability to manage feelings and behaviors
What is Neck, Chest, and Knees
Avoid pressure in these three locations
What is Time Away
This technique does not mean isolation or banishment
What is What am I feeling now? What does this patient feel, need, expect, or want? How is the environment affecting the situation? How do I best respond?
Four questions we ask ourselves in a crisis situation
What is Summarization
Opportunity to make sure you and the patient are on the same page
Who is Megan
Best behaved staff on the unit
What is Protective Interventions
Safe and effective release techniques to prevent staff from acting on instinct