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What is single or 200X
Dilution required when the isotopic is 0.5%
What is hydrazine
The chemical added to scavenge dissolved oxygen from a water system
What is the lift sewage sampler
A sample point where you may want to wear a N95 mask
What is the heat transport system
The system that transfers heat from the calandria to the boilers
What are cryogenic gloves
The type of gloves required when operating valves on the argon "dewar"
What is the sulzer
Samples HP and BP come from this upgrader
What is BFP
A grab sample for pH would be taken from this sample stream
What is protocol 11
The tritium protocol used for RBSW A & B samples
What is a turbine
A rotary device used to generate electricity. Each unit has four of these
What is the safety shower
Use of this safety equipment will cause a beacon to flash in Lab B
What is medium range
The FTIR you use if the isotopic is 99.1
What is sodium
The CEP stream is monitored for this as an indication of lake water ingress (condenser tube leak)
What are the cold fingers
Condensed stack flow liquid brought to the bench by OPS shiftly
What is LPSW
A water system that is chlorinated in the summer months
What is 10 MPCh
If tritium dose is expected to be greater than this value, you and your supervisor will complete a tritium planning form
What is 0.2 mS/m
If the conductivity is less than this value, no pH analysis can be performed
What is main steam
A high tritium here may indicate a boiler tube leak
What is the outfall
When this A side sampler is out of service we have to get grabs from 225' elevation
What is the annulus gas system
A CO2 gas system used as thermal insulation
What are a gamma meter and a TLD
The two items (minimum) required to cross into a zone 3 radiation work area
What is the high curie train
Heavy water with tritium greater than 2 Ci will be pumped to this IXCU tank first
What is morpholine
The pump frequency of this chemical will need to be adjusted if a unit stops boiler blowdowns
What are the forebay samplers
The samplers in these two locations are used to monitor the water coming in from the lake.
What is the bioshield
A concrete barrier cooled by light water found only on the A side
What is the face
Contamination here means you cannot decontaminate yourself, you must get help