Drugs | Alcohol | Marijuana | Wild Card | Tobacco |
What is The brain
After entering the lungs, inhalants such as, gasoline, glue, and spray paint, go straight to this organ in the body
What is 21 years old
The legal age to buy alcohol
What is medical use
The number one argument given in support of making marijuana use legal
What is Steroids
The drug that is used illegally by athletes, body builders, and others to give them a competitive advantage
What is Electronic Cigarette or E-Cigarette
A battery powered smoking device that is designed to look and feel like a regular cigarette
What is Cocaine
This drug comes in the form of a white powder and is usually inhaled through the nose
What slows your heart down or makes it beat slower
Alcohol does this to your heart
What is Head, neck, lungs, and respiratory tract
Marijuana smokers increase their risk of cancer in which parts of their body
What is zero
If you are under the age of 21, this is the amount of alcohol allowed in your blood in order to legally drive a car
What is Approximately 14-15 years
Becoming a smoker takes this many years off of your life expectancy
What is Alcohol and Tobacco
The two substances that kill the most people every year
What is amount of alcohol or same alcohol content
A 12 ounce can of beer, 5-ounce glass of wine, and a ½ ounce shot of whiskey have the same amount of this
What is 28 days or about a month
The number of days the marijuana continues to affect the brain after it has been smoked
What is Pain management or pain relief
The medical reason that narcotics (like Vicodin, Oxycontin, or Morphine) are prescribed to patients
What is 90%
The percentage of smokers who begin smoking before they are 18 years old
What is K2 or Spice
This synthetic drug looks like potpourri (dried flowers) and causes the user to experience similar effects to marijuana use
What is Bodyweight, gender, family history, metabolism, how fast they drink, tolerance, or amount of food in the stomach
If two people (who are 21 years or older) drink the same amount of alcohol, name 2 reasons why the alcohol could affect them differently
What is 8 IQ points
The average IQ is 100, regular marijuana use in the teen years can lead to the loss of how many IQ points
What is Marijuana
The loss of motivation and ambition is one effect of using this drug
What is Tar
The ingredient in cigarettes that turns a smoker’s teeth yellow
What is Heroin
The most addictive illegal drug in the world today
What is Binge drinking
The term used to describe when someone has 5 or more alcoholic drinks one right after the other
What is THC
The amount of this chemical determines the strength and potency of marijuana
What is Adderall or Ritalin
The most commonly abused and stolen prescription drug
What is 480,000
The number of people in the USA that die each year from tobacco-related causes