Stimulants | Psychodelic and Hallucinogenic Drugs | Depressant Drugs | Drugs & The Brain | Defenitions |
What are cocaine, amphetafeinmines, amphetamine-related prescription pills, OTC stimulant pills, caffeine and nicotine.
The six common stimulant drugs are
What is by temporarily changing the way people understand and experience the world around them. These effects can be unpredictable and the same person will have different experiences with the same drug and dosage.
How do psychedelics effect the user?
What are the sedative-hypnotics and the opioids.
What are the two primary groups of depressants?
What is stop using drugs.
The brain functioning will likely return to normal over time if the person does what?
What is an potentiation effect.
When certain drugs are taken in combination, they create an effect that is greater than simply increasing one of the drugs.
What are alert and awake, excited and energizes, tense and agitated, violent and paranoid
Stimulants can make people feel
What is in the fat cells (PCP).
Marijuana stays longer than most drugs, because it is stored where?
What is slow down the brain's breathing center which can lead to death.
High doses of depressants can lead to what?
What is a long-term period of recovery.
In order for the brain to return to normal a person has to experience what?
What is an additive effect.
Combining two or more different depressants can create an effect that is greater than just increasing the dose of one drug.
What is the lungs.
When a drug enters the body through the - more of it reaches the brain and gets there more rapidly than if it were snorted or injected.
What is thee mescaline family.
Another group of psychedelic drugs is call the what, it is a naturally occurring chemical found in the peyote cactus.
What are stop pain, emotionally and physically, surge of pleasure. After initial surge, the user becomes unconcerned with other people or events.
At high does opioids can cause?
What is memories, it is possible that even the smallest trigger, could cause a strong memory of the drug which can lead to a craving.
Drug use effects what part of the brain?
What is a drug that makes a person calmer, reduces anxiety, and lowers stimulation from senses.
What is a sedative?
What is a loss of touch with reality.
Stimulants may cause a temporary what?
What is stimulant or depressant effect.
Psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs often have what kind of effect on the user?
What is a bad case of the flu? Runny nose, eyes, goose bumps, sweating, diarrhea, yawning, fever and insomnia.
What does withdrawal feel like?
What is amygdala .
This par of the brain is responsible for memory and emotions.
What is a sleeping pill.
What is a hypnotic?
What are racing heart, increase blood pressure, mood changes, tense and agitated, paranoia.
What are some of the common effects of stimulants?
What are LSD psychedelics, amphetamine-related psychedelics, PCP psychedelics, marijuana and related drugs.
What are the primary groups of hallucinogenic drugs?
What is impairment in behavior, judgment and memory. People may have slurred speech, unable to walk straight and clumsy. They may say or do things they normally wouldn't do.
Name four effects of sedative-hypnotic drugs.
What is two years.
Effects of drug use can last how long after sobriety?
What is gamma hydroxybutyrate, rohypnol.
What is GHB?