Addiction & Treatment Cannabis Tobacco Alcohol Ups, Downs & All Arounds
TRUE. Addiction is a chronic brain disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite negative consequences.
Drug Abuse is the use of any drug in a way that is unhealthy or illegal. True or False?
FALSE. Studies how only about 15% of teenagers used any marijuana in the last 30 days. That means 85% don't smoke at all. They Got Other Things To Do!
Most teenagers smoke marijuana? True or False?
TRUE. it disrupts the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. Some stimulate and others make the user feel calm and satisfied.
Nicotine is an addictive drug that speeds up heart rate and tranquilizes at the same time. True or False?
FALSE. The legal drinking age in the US is 21.
At a family wedding, your cousin Rob tells everyone he is old enough to drink.- he just had his 20th birthday. is this true or false?
TRUE. This is true for all functions in your body from how fast your brain works, how fast you talk, to how often you poop!
Stimulants "speed up" all body functions and depressants "slow down" all body functions. True or False?
FALSE. People can become addicted to anything because of the reward pathway system in the brain. These are new areas of study and new treatments are being developed everyday.
Gambling, video games, and phones are not things people can become addicted to. True or False?
FALSE. Almost all substances originally came from plants and they are not safe to use. Alcohol comes from grains, heroin from a flower, psylocybin from mushrooms. Potency has increase 10x since the 70's.
Marijuana is a plant. Plants grow from the Earth and are natural. Marijuana is safe to use. True or False?
FALSE. Caffeine is the most used and accepted stimulant.
Tobacco is the most popular stimulant in the world. True or false?
TRUE. find a local or online meeting at this website for support if you have someone you care about that is struggling with alcohol use.
Al-Anon and Alateen are support groups for family members of alcoholics. True or False?
TRUE. The brain gets flooded with chemicals and normal input might 'jump' to another pathway in the brain. This is called synesthesia. (One use has been known to cause permanent changes in personality due to this flood in the emotional center)
Hallucinogens are drugs that overload the sensory pathways in the brain and often cause the user to 'see sound' or 'hear colors'. True or False?
FALSE. Addiction is a complex brain disease that is considered to have psychological, social and biological factors. All of these things must be addressed when treating the disease.
Addiction to any substance or thing happens because a person is weak-minded and selfish. True or False?
TRUE. In chronic users, marijuana changed the structure of the brain in permanent ways that heroin did not. This change was not observed in users that waited until after age 35 to try marijuana.
Young people that smoke heroin experience more brain healing than young people that smoke marijuana. True or False?
FALSE. Big tobacco companies actually want to sell to YOU. The younger you are when you start smoking and get hooked, the longer they have to potentially make money from you.
When the tobacco industry advertises, its target audience-the people they want to sell to the most- are people that are between the ages of 18-21. True or False?
FALSE. This is actually a Binge Drinker.
4+ drinks for women and 5+ drinks for men on one occasion meets the definition of a heavy drinker. True or False?
FALSE. The drug is called Fentanyl. It is been recorded as 50-100times stronger than morphine. It is lethal in minute doses and it is hidden within many other drugs. Users don't know when they are using it!
Infantile is the strongest of all opioids. True or False?
TRUE. All of these things are signs that something is wrong. What can you do? Talk to the person, a close family member of theirs or another adult you trust.
Difficulty focusing in class, declining grades, and being by themselves a lot are signs that a friend or loved one might be using drugs OR needing help. True or False?
FALSE. Marijuana overdose will not cause death like CNS stimulants and depressants because of where it attaches in the brain BUT the brain will overdose (receptors are flooded) user feels nausea, HR goes up, loss of muscle coordination.
You can not overdose from using marijuana. True or False?
FALSE-Mostly. If you already smoke, some research suggests switching to be beneficial, depending on the device and brand. Otherwise nicotine delivered via vaping is same or higher, certain flavors can be more dangerous to inhale and the heated metals like nickel& chromium can be more toxic than a regular cigarette.
Using an E-cigarette or vaping is safer than smoking a regular cigarette. True or False?
FALSE. Time is the only thing that works. The average human body burns alcohol at the rate of about 1.5oz (one drink) every 3 hours.
Drinking strong coffee, eating bread and taking a cold shower will help you sober up faster if you had too much to drink. True or False?
TRUE. National Institute of Health has done longitudinal studies (10+ years) that have documented these changes and the permanency.
Preventing drug use in young people is very important because young people brains develop until about age 25 and drug use can cause permanent changes. True or False?
FALSE. Treatment for addiction is provided on a spectrum. This means it can be very intense (monitored in a hospital by doctors and nurses 24hrs) to residential (30-90 days) to a few hours a week (the person stays home).
All treatment for drug addiction means going away from your family to a "rehab" for weeks. True or False?
TRUE. May take a few days or up to two weeks. Person will be irritable, have anxiety, craving, anger, depression, aches, sweating, and stomach pain.
Regular users of marijuana experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop. True or False?
TRUE. All three of these drugs are considered CNS stimulants; they increase blood pressure, heart rate, chemical & electrical activity in the CNS and PNS.
Tobacco is listed under the same class of drugs as cocaine and methamphetamine? True or False?
FALSE. While alcohol does lower inhibitions it is actually a CNS depressant. This is why people that drink to much pass out when they have had to much to drink. Always check for signs of alcohol poisoning and call 911 for help.
Your best friend has had a few drinks and has been dancing and talking to people they never talk to all night! This is because alcohol is a stimulant. True or False?
FALSE. Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome are the emotional and physical withdrawals symptoms, beginning 6mos-2years, that are note regularly expected.
PAWS stands for People Always Wants Substances and refers to addicts trying to stay away from drugs when they first get sober. True or False?

Drug & Alcohol Education Grades 5-8

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