Odds and ends | Rolling Stoned | Potent Potables | S Words | Potpourri |
What is krocodil?
A cheap drug that eats you from the inside out and gives you scaly skin.
What are depressants and hallucinogens?
Marijuana falls into these two drug categories:
What is binge drinking?
Having five or more drinks for men or four or more drinks for women in one sitting is called this:
What is schedule?
All drugs fall into one of these 5 categories.
What is Spice?
You would be wise to turn down the offer to smoke this synthetic cannabanoid that your friends swear is legal and must be healthy because it looks like potpourri:
What is drug dependence?
This is a state of neuroadaptation caused by the chronic, regular administration of a drug:
What is crack?
This drug, which rose to popularity in the 1980's, gets its name from the sound it makes when being smoked:
What is a standard drink?
A 12 oz beer or a 5 oz glass of wine, or 1.5 oz of hard liquor is called this:
What is substance abuse?
This is the number one national health problem, causing more deaths, illness, and disabilities than any other health condition:
What are codeine and promethazine?
While listening to your new favorite song "Purple Drank" with your homies, you turn down a frosty mug of sizzurp mixed especially for you by Eminem because of your allergy to these two key ingredients:
What are neurotransmitters?
The name given to a group of chemicals in the brain that facilitate communication between the cells of the brain called neurons:
What are anabolic steroids?
This drug causes gynomastia and enlarged clitoris.
What are time, weight, and gender?
These three factors affect your blood alcohol level:
What are stimulants?
These make the user feel more alert or energetic by activating or exciting the nervous system:
What is dextromethorphan?
Dissociation, euphoria, hallucinations, and a zombie-like walk are the sought after effects of intentional overdose on this common OTC cough suppressant:
What are drugs targeted toward children?
Ecstasy shaped like vitamins, Methamphetamine with strawberry flavoring and red dye, and marijuana pop tarts.
What are alcohol and benzodiazepines?
These two drugs are the most dangerous to withdraw from and can result in death if not properly managed:
What is alcohol poisoning?
The following are symptoms of this condition:
-Person is passed out and cannot be awakened -Person has cold, clammy, bluish skin -Person has trouble breathing -Person vomits and doesn't wake up |
What is saliva?
What is blood, hair, and urine?
This body substance can be used for drug testing:
Three that do not begin with S. |
What is Tylenol?
The nurse with street cred would be worried about this secondary overdose in a patient who comes in to the ED for "robotripping":
What is "Not for human comsumption?
This is put on packages to bypass the FDA:
What are common household products used as inhalants for "huffing"?
gasoline, glue, spray paint, vegetable oil spray, whipped cream, butane lighters
What is fetal alcohol syndrome?
The highly variable group of birth defects including mental retardation, deficient growth, and malformations of the skull and face that tend to occur in the offspring of women who consume large amounts of alcohol during pregnancy is called this:
What is secondary?
This is not the primary drug of choice:
What are bath salts?
With effects similar to amphetamine and cocaine, a soak in the tub with this street drug would be neither relaxing nor aromatherapeutic: