Basic Math | Multiples | Mathematical Concepts | Units of Measurement | Mathematical Symbols |
What is 2,4,6,8,10?
The even numbers from zero to ten.
What is 25?
What is 3.14159?
The numeric value of Pi, rounded to five decimal places.
What is ounces?
The unit of measure for a liquid.
What is mu?
The Greek letter used to represent mean.
What is 1,3,5,7,9?
The odd numbers from zero to ten.
What is 144?
What is perimeter?
The distance around a shape.
What is 2.54?
The number of centimeters within an inch.
What is less than?
The symbol > is commonly used to represent this.
What is to add?
This symbol + means what?
What is 50?
What is a heptagon?
A seven sided figure.
What is 4?
The number of quarts contained in a gallon?
What is equality?
This symbol = is used to represent this.
What is a negative number?
A number less than zero.
What is 121?
What are prime numbers?
The numbers 2,3,5,7,11,13 are an example of this.
What is 5,280?
The number of feet in a mile.
What is cardinality?
This symbol # is used to represent this.
What is a multiple?
A number which increases by the same amount.
What is 0?
What is P.E.M.D.A.S?
The acronym associated with the order of operations.
What is 0?
Thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit is this number in Celsius.
What is sigma?
The Greek letter used to represent summation?