What is the Christmas tree
This item in the Helmer's house symbolizes Nora's "decorative" value.
What is Norway
Henrik Ibsen left this country when he did not receive a government poet's stipend he applied for.
What is a soliloquy
This is the technique in which a character speaks his or thoughts out loud, either alone on stage or presumably unheard by other characters.
Who is Mrs. Peters
This character is told that she is "married to the law."
What is "kitchen"
Sheriff: "Nothing here but _______ things"
What is Italy
The Tarantella, the fanatic dance that Nora performs at the party, originates in this country.
What are the Provincetown Players
This was the theatre group formed on Cape Cod by Susan Glaspell and her friends.
What is the mailbox / letterbox
According to Farfan, the fact that Torvald has the keys to this is representative of his authority over Nora.
Who is Mr. Hale
This character speaks the line relating to the play's title: "Well, women are used to worrying over trifles."
What is "clean"
Mrs. Hale: "Men's hands aren't always as ______ as they might be."
What are the jars of preserves
This item cracks under the pressure of the cold, like Mr. and Mrs. Wright's marriage.
What is the "Father of Modern Drama"
Ibsen has been given this nickname for his realistic plays and contributions to the art
What is dramatic irony
This is when the audience members know something the characters do not know about their own circumstances.
Who is Dr. Rank
This character's last words are "And thanks for the light."
What is "spendthrift"
Mrs. Linde: "Nora, Nora, haven't you learnt sense yet? In our schooldays, you were a great ______"
What are macaroons
This item is symbolic of Nora's rebelliousness / freedom.
What is Iowa
This is the state in which Susan Glaspell was born.
What is denouement
This French word for "unraveling" or "unknotting" refers to the moment when strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
What is Minne Foster
This was Mrs. Wright's FULL name before marriage, according to the play, Trifles.
What is "justice"
Dr. Rank: "To have to pay this penalty for another man's sin! Is there any ______ in that?"
What is the birdcage
This item symbolizes the restrictive state of Mrs. Wright's life.
What is 1879
This was the year in which A Doll's House was first performed.
Who is Hedda Gabler
In Farfan's critical essay, we learn that this character, from a play by the same name, burns the manuscript of her former lover (full name).
What is Anne
This is the name of the nurse/nanny in a Doll's House, who raised Nora as well as Nora's children.
What is "capricious"
Torvald: "I took my charming little Capri maiden--my _______ little Capri maiden, I should say" (word for unpredictable or changing)