Smoking | Friends | School | Body | Alcohol |
Who are teenagers
This is the age group vape companies try to sell to
What is cyber bullying
This is the name for bullying someone over social media
What is right after school
This is the best time to do your homework for the day
What are the ways you find happiness in life
This is the definition of an excitability
What is an alcohol
What is the name of someone addicted to drinking alcohol
What is nicotine
This is addictive chemical in cigarettes and vapes
Internal - wanting to fit in, do what friends are doing
External - being actively shamed or pressured by a friend
This is the difference between internal and external pressure
What are study skills
This is the word for having good school habits
What is the circulatory system
This is the system that the heart is in, and is responsible for for carrying blood through the body
What is a depressant
Cigarettes are a stimulant, but alcohol is this:
What is 21 years old
This is how old you need to be to buy cigarettes and vapes
what are parties
This is the place people are most commonly pressured to do things that are unhealthy and risky
False, cramming is proven to be bad for your health and bad for remembering concepts
True or false, last minute studying (cramming) is a healthy study habit
What is Organizational, sensory, social-emotional, imaginative, and physical
These are the names for the 5 different excitabilities
What is 15
This is the average age an American has their first drink
What is popcorn lung
This is the name of the deadly disease vaping can lead to
What is STOP (Say no, Tell why, Offer an alternative, Peace out!)
This is the acronym you can use to say no to people
What is a GPA or a grade point average
This is the word for the overall score colleges use to rate your grades
What is the spine
This organ is the most important for the nervous system
What is Alcohol Poisoning
This is the deadly condition people fall into when the drink too much alcohol
What is 20
One Juul pod equals how many cigarettes worth of nicotine?
What is assertive
This is the word for someone who can stand up for themselves and be clear with people
What are absences
This is the biggest contributor to getting bad grades at school
What is the respiratory system
The lung is important for which bodily system?
What is blood alcohol content
This is the name for the measurement of how drunk someone is