CRED (to believe) | DUCT (to lead) | FER (to bear, carry) | PRESS (to press) | SPIR (to breathe) |
What is credit?
A system of doing business by trusting that a person will pay a later date for goods or services
What is conductor?
A person who directs the performance of a choir or an orchestra
What is fertile?
(Plants) able to bear fruit; (Animals) able or likely to conceive young
What is press?
A printing machine
What is spirit?
An immaterial intelligent being
What is creed?
A set of beliefs or principles
What is educate?
To train the mind and abilities of
What is refer?
To carry again; to submit to another for opinion
What is express?
Verb: to utter; Noun: any fast conveyance
What is expire?
To breathe out: to die
What is incredible?
What is induct?
To enroll as a member of a military service
What is transfer?
To convey to another place, passed from one place to another
What is oppress?
To press against, to burden, to overpower
What is perspire?
To breathe through; to emit through the pore of the skin
What is discredit?
Verb, prefix meaning "not"; word means to damage the good reputation of
What is introduction?
The formal presentation of one person to another
What is suffering?
Endurance of pain; distress
What is depression?
State of being "pressed down" or saddened
What is inspire?
To breathe into; to instruct by divine influence
What is accredited?
An adjective, prefix ac, word means officially recognized
What is aqueduct?
An artificial channel carrying water across country
What is coniferous?
Cone bearing, as the fir tree
What is suppress?
To put down, to prevent circulation
What is conspire?
To plot; to band together for an evil purpose