What is
When asked about renting the most ridiculous prop, the owner of this store said, “Nothing in here is ridiculous.”
What is
It’s one of the songs Steven’s band Inhumanism played during the Halftime Show with Jillian Bowe
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She wore a big mustache and a cowboy hat to play the Stranger in The Big Leboweski
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Interviewed in “The Halftime Show with Jillian Bowe”, she often said her favorite show was YMCA
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These four giant plastic letters are on the wall, similar to the letters on the wall at the Late Show with Steven Colbert
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The prop used in most shows, it wasn’t referred to as this until the Grinch Show.
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During Back to the Future, Kim Kiley was in tears laughing at Jackie singing this song from an Academy award-winning movie
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In “Baywood”, she played Bella and Duke
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She pulled a gun during the “Wizard of Ed”: Everyone realized later that it was part of the show except Grandma.
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Jillian insisted that photos from Halftime for Hitler be taken down since we were wearing these costumes
What is
Jillian was pushed out in this in her role of Mr. Potter in It’s a Wonderful Halftime Show
What is
This song, a takeoff on “Razzle Dazzle” from Chicago, was about a dog that was sung by an ensemble during the show Baywood
What is
She was the oldest not-ready for Ed Bowe player, pulled from the crowd to play a song on the piano during the Beatles Show
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Smiley and Bob Verduzco were in the crowded basement for this show
What is
There are movie-style posters on the wall featuring these two halftime shows
What is
A drum with the Ed Bowe Players written on it is featured in this halftime show
What is
“Octopus’s Garden” was a musical and dance number featured in this halftime show
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He was the Chinaman who peed on the fucking rug
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This Battle Creek man has been at many of the shows-first he will shovel the driveway or clean the gutters before he comes in
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The wall features photos of Steven and Cameron wearing fatheads featuring these two world leaders
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In It’s a Wonderful Show, a prop made out of styrofoam to look like one of these had the inscription “Marge Bowe 1926-2003”
What is
This song, a takeoff on “Cell Block Tango” from Chicago, was performed by an ensemble cast during the show Baywood
What is
In her only Halftime Show role, she played Erin Bowe in La Miserable
What is
Steve Manifold, Pat Guilford, and Teri Goodman were among the first time visitors in the basement during this show
What is
There is a bottle opener screwed on the wall that has the name of this drink from the movie The Big Lebowski.
What is
During “Master of the House” in La Miserable, John Bowe is sarcastically compared to this 18th-century French philosopher


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