Sunday School Review Countries Animals Numbers Random Facts
What is so that people would believe that Jesus is the Christ, and that by believing they may have life in His name.
Why did the apostle John write the Gospel of John?
What is 12.
How many characters are in the Hawaiian alphabet?
a. 12
b. 15
c. 26
d. 30
What is 300
On average a dragonfly eats how many mosquitoes per day?
a. 100
b. 200
c. 300
d. 400
What is 88 keys.
How many keys are on a piano?
What is 1982.
When was Diet Coke invented?
What is spiritual instead of physical.
Jesus often tried to get people to focus on...
What is China.
In what country was toilet paper invented?
a. England
b. USA
c. China
d. Denmark
What is 40mph / 64 km/h
A kangaroo can hop up to how fast (mph or km/h accepted)
What is 178.
On average how many sesame seeds are on a McDonald's Big Mac bun?
What is Nerd.
What word was first coined by Dr Seuss in 'If I Ran The Zoo'?
a. Nerd
b. Scram
c. Zonk
d. Tweetle
What is, God is in control of everything.
In the book of Esther we learned that we can completely trust God because...
What is 38 minutes.
Zanzibar and England are recorded to have the shortest war in history. How long (in minutes) did it take for Zanzibar to surrender?
What is 41 years old.
How old was the oldest known goldfish?
a. 2 years
b. 9 years
c. 26 years
d. 41 years
What is 336.
How many dimples are on a regulation size golf ball?
What is c. One less olive per salad.
In 1987 American Airlines saved $40,000 by changing what item in the food they served in first-class?
a. Less Mayo on the sandwiches.
b. Smaller cups of coffee.
c. One less olive per salad.
d. 3 meal options instead of 4.
God is, God opposes the proud, but raises up the humble.
In the book of Esther we saw that this principle in action...
What is Ethiopia.
In which country is the language Amharic spoken?
What is 20 lbs of meat.
How many pounds of meat can a wolf eat in one sitting?
a. 2lbs
b. 5 lbs
c. 14 lbs
d. 20 lbs
What is 118.
How many ridges are on the edge of a dime?
What is 6.
Bell Telephone company began operating in 1877. In the first month of operation how many telephones did they sell?
What is mature.
In the book of Colossians one of Paul's main goals was to become spiritually __________.
What is Jamaica.
In what country did the music genre Reggae originate?
a. Wales
b. Austira
c. USA
d. Jamaica
What is 115 days.
It takes, on average, how many days for a snail to travel one mile?
What is 1792.
How many steps are there to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower?
What is 28 years.
On Wednesday June 17 Algeria scored their first goal in a World Cup soccer match in how many years?

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