Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Liberal Conservative Views General Election Questions
Make America Great Again.
What is Donald's campaign slogan?
Stronger Together.
What is Hillary's Campaign Slogan
This group OPPOSES gun control.
What are Conservatives?
CorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect
Name at least one other thing that you will vote for in November besides just the president (generally, not specifically).
Governor, initiatives, etc.
Build a wall.
How does Trump want to secure the southern border of USofA?
Her private email server and thousands of emails.
What recent controversy resurfaced around Hillary Clinton?
This is the primary ECONOMIC belief or driving force of the
Conservative viewpoint.
One of the most important things the new president will do will be to appoint a new person to this position within the judicial branch.
Supreme Court Justice
Repeal it.
What will Donald Trump do with Obama care?
Path to citizenship for illegals who reside in US already.
What are Hillary's views on immigration issues?
In order to secure the nomination for their party, presidential hopefuls have to secure a certain amount of these.
What are delegates or delegate votes?
Aggressive military action against Islamist State, including sending US troops to Iraq and Syria.
What will Trump do with ISIS?
Deploy military ground troops.
Regarding the ISIS situation in Syria and other areas, what will Hillary NOT do?
With one of the highest delegate counts, this is the state that is having an important presidential primary Today.
Drain the Swamp.
What does he want to do with Washington DC, specifically the White House?
What has Hillary called Trump supporters to the outrage of many.
Someone can win the presidency of the US without securing what
The Popular Vote

2016 Presidential Candidates

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