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What is Behavior?
A complex expression of aspects of temperament.
What is the Critical Area?
The distance in which the dog makes the fight or flight decision.
What is Nervousness?
An extreme form of suspicion - displays a fear reaction to such an extent that it is impossible for the handler to identify any particular source causing the reaction. It is a response to the whole environment.
What is Protective Aggression?
Aggression in relation to protection of anything or anyone. It indicates the dog's readiness to use threat to protect anything it believes is his.
What is Predatory Aggression?
Display of instinctive hunting behavior. It can take the form of chasing and fighting.
What is Temperament?
The unique individual character of a dog.
What is Body Sensitivity?
The dog's reaction to touch, handling and control in proximity of objects and people.
What is Aggression?
Involves the use of threat by posture, staring, and vocalization. It can be offensive or defensive. It can be hereditary, characteristic of a breed or learned.
What is Initiative?
The likelihood of a dog to make positive decisions.
What is Willingness?
The dog's likelihood to perform requested tasks in exchange for verbal or physical praise.
What is Sensitivity?
The dog's threshold of reaction to stimuli.
What is Hearing Sensitivity?
Dog's reaction to sounds; both environmental and voice.
What is the Experienced Component of Temperament?
Behavior that is learned throughout life, it impacts behavior down the road. 8 - 14 weeks is most important time period. Can be modified but is harder the longer the behavior continues.
What is the Hereditary Component of Temperament?
Behavior that is genetic - handed down from the dog's parents. Can be modified but completely suppressed.
What is Distraction?
Anything that breaks the dog's concentration from a certain required task.
What is Mental Sensitivity?
Refers to the dog's general demeanor. It effects their ability to cope with stresses such as change in environment, handler or routine.
What is Suspicion?
Instinctive reactions to any of the senses. When assessing you look at degree, frequency and recovery rate.
What is Adaptability?
The dog's ability to cope with change. (Change of handler, environment and routine).
What is Apprehensive Aggression?
A combination trait with protective aggression and suspicion. It indicates a dog's willingness to protect itself in a fear based situation.
What is Body Sensitivity?
The only sensitivity that can be changed by handling?
1. To adopt appropriate handling
2. Recognize and assess the dog's potential as a guide dog.
3. Minimize the stress of the dog.
4. Flexibility of training approach.
5. Maximize the dog's learning.
List the 5 reasons to analyze temperament.
What is Sound Shyness?
An excessive fear reaction to sound. Combination trait of hearing sensitivity and suspicion.
What is Confidence?
The extent to which a dog appears to be relaxed in its work and happy to perform tasks. Relates to the dog's ability to make positive decisions whether right or wrong.
What is Dominance?
Refers to the way in which a dog confirms his position position in a hierarchy or pack. It indicates the likelihood a dog will challenge to maintain its position vs. deferring to others.
What is Dominance Aggression?
A natural display by which a dog is challenging it's position in a pack hierarchy and their willingness to use threat.

Dog Temperament

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