Heaven Priesthood Prophets Temples Doctrine
Every individual born into mortality
Who will receive a place in a kingdom of glory?
To magnify their callings
Which of the following is a specific responsibility mentioned in the oath and covenant of the priesthood?
He was a prophet, seer, and revelator.
What does the existence of the precious truths in the Pearl of Great Price teach us about the Prophet Joseph Smith?
spiritual power and knowledge
To be endowed in the temple means to receive __________.
They will receive wisdom and great treasures of knowledge.
Which of the following blessings does God offer to those who keep the Word of Wisdom?
glory according to the law they obeyed
Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, in the Resurrection all individuals will receive __________.
receive the priesthood and enjoy temple blessings
According to Official Declaration 2, the Lord revealed that all worthy male Church members may __________.
warn us of coming dangers
As watch men on the tower, modern prophets have a responsibility to__________.
Moses, Elias, and Elijah
Who visited the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple to restore priesthood keys?
Priesthood holders can draw upon the powers of heaven only if they live righteously.
What principle is emphasized in Doctrine and Covenants 121:36,41–42?
Without these ordinances, our ancestors cannot be saved in any kingdom of glory.
Why do our ancestors who die without having a knowledge of the gospel need us to perform ordinances for them in the temple?
Please explain
What is an example of a truth that was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith? Explain why the truth you chose can help you receive eternal life.
can give us experience and be for our good
While the Prophet Joseph Smith was falsely imprisoned in Liberty Jail, the Lord taught him that adversity and affliction
They keep the new and everlasting covenant of marriage they made in the temple
A man and a woman will receive eternal life and glory if__________.
Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God.
Which eternal truth corrects the following worldly philosophy: “God doesn’t care how marriage is defined”?
They began teaching the gospel to those in spirit prison.
After the Savior visited the spirit world, what did righteous spirits there begin to do?
Please explain
What is an example of an ordinance that was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith? Explain why the truth you chose can help you receive eternal life.
The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
When the President of the Church dies, which quorum becomes the presiding quorum of the Church?
When the Lord authorizes it through the priesthood keys given to the President of the Church
Marriage between one man and one woman is the Lord’s standing law. When is the only time plural marriage is justified?
God’s commandment for husbands and wives to have children remains in force today.
Which eternal truth corrects the following worldly philosophy: “It isn’t as important for couples to have children today as it used to be”?
Receiving and being valiant in the testimony of Jesus Christ
Which of the following is a requirement for receiving exaltation in the celestial kingdom?
What is an example of priesthood authority that was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith? Explain why this authority of the priesthood can help you receive eternal life.
You're awesome!!
Share your personal thoughts on the importance of the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Share your testimony on why temples are important in your life?
God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between a man and a woman who are lawfully wedded as husband and wife.
Which eternal truth corrects the following worldly philosophy: “As long as two individuals love each other, physical intimacy is acceptable”?

Doctrine and Covenants 76- Official Declaration

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