Ordinances 7.1 / 7.2 Saving Ordinances 7.2/7.3/7.4 Ordinances 7.5/7.6 Doctrinal Mastery Scriptures Covenants 7.7-7.9
What is an ordinance (7.1)
A sacred act that is performed by the authority of the priesthood.
Who are those who hold priesthood keys.
Savings Ordinances can only be performed under the direction of whom?
What are Melchizedek Priesthood ordination (for me), the temple endowment, and the marriage sealing.
Name the last three saving ordinances
What is D&C 82:10
This doctrinal mastery scripture teaches that the Lord is bound when we do what He says
What is a sacred agreement between God and man.
Define covenant
What are spiritual truths (7.1)
Ordinances were designed by God to teach this
What is baptism
The first saving ordinance
What is false. Saving ordinances can be performed vicariously for the dead in the temple.
True or False. Those that are dead cannot ever receive these ordinances
What is D&C 84:20-22
This doctrinal mastery scripture teaches that the power of godliness is manifest in priesthood ordinances
Who is God.
In a covenant with God, this person gives the conditions for the covenant.
What is symbolism (7.1)
God often uses this to help teach spiritual truths.
What is why baptism if necessary
To become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and to enter the celestial kingdom
What is false. Vicarious ordinances only become effective when the deceased persons accept them in the spirit world and honor the related covenants.
True or False. All vicarious ordinances become effective immediately.
What are saving ordinances.
In paragraph 7.2 it says that without these we cannot become like our Heavenly Father or return to live in His presence eternally.
What is the Lord promises us blessings when we keep his covenants and his bound to do so, but we don't get the blessings if we don't obey the covenant.
How does D&C 82:10 apply to covenants?
What are saving ordinances
Ordinances that are essential to exaltation are called this.
What is receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost
The second saving ordinance
What is the sacrament, administering to the sick, naming and blessing children.
Name another ordinance that is not a saving ordinance.
What is God's divine influence and by choosing to participate in priesthood ordinances, especially temple ordinances
Read the following quote aloud and afterwords explain what the power of godliness is and how we can receive it.
What are covenants.
All of the savings ordinances of the priesthood are accompanied by what
What is receiving the saving ordinances and keeping the associated covenants.
The only way we can obtain all the blessings made available through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. (Hint 2 things)
Before baptism, a person can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost and receive a testimony of the truth. After receiving the gift, you have the right of constant companionship.
Explain how receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost is different than the influence of the Holy Ghost.
What is baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood (for men), the temple endowment, and the temple sealing
Name the 5 saving ordinances in order.
Explain why we need ordinances in our lives.
By taking the sacrament
How can we renew our covenants?

Doctrinal Mastery Ordinances and Covenants

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