Doctor Actors | Companions | Doctor's tools of the trade | Facts of the Doctor | The Doctor's Enemies |
Who played the 10th Doctor?
David Tennant
Who was the Companion for the 9th Doctor?
Rose Tyler
What is the Doctor's main tool?
The Sonic Screwdriver
Where is the Doctor from?
Who calls the Doctor "The Oncoming Storm"?
The Daleks
Who played the 9th Doctor?
Christopher Eccleston
Who is the "Last Centurion"?
Rory Williams
What does TARDIS stand for?
Time and Relative Dimension in Space
What causes the Doctor to change?
What enemy of the Doctor wanted to "upgrade" humanity?
The Cybermen
Who played the 11th Doctor?
Matt Smith
Who is the "Impossible Girl"?
Clara Oswald
What does the Sonic Screwdriver NOT work on?
What is the Doctor's undercover name?
John Smith
Who did the Doctor face during the "Eleventh Hour"?
The Atraxi
Who played the War Doctor?
John Hurt
The 10th Doctor had how many companions?
What purpose does the TARDIS serve?
To travel through Time and Space
what species is the Doctor?
A Time Lord
What race had their weakness on the back of their necks?
The Sontarans
Who played the 12th Doctor?
Peter Capaldi
Who is "The Girl who waited"?
Amelia Pond
What causes the Tardis to travel through time?
The Time Vortex
Which Doctor was Scottish?
12th Doctor
Who is the Doctor's antithesis?
The Master