Narraversum | DocEdelgas Antics | IRL | Github and Linux | The Conspiracy |
Name a former colleague of Jacques Sack!
(i.e. The Beholder)
Who has the intention to exstruct a wall?
Which country does Doc reside in?
In Germany
Which OS does Doc use?
Artix Linux
What is "Goy"?
"Germany", where you replace "erman" with "o"
What event led to the civil war in Vivenis?
The Oligarchic Revolution
What is 100% off?
The Classic
What is Doc's main national identity?
West German. ("German" does not count)
What is Doc's most used programming language on Github?
Who is about to make Doc's live hell, if they could?
Who was the Narrator originally?
A thief from Narodnia on Arvon.
Homines errantes …
Nihilem scientes!
How many countries has Doc visited as of January 2024?
What is the URL of Doc's website?
Who put out the so called "conspiracy" on the Jews, to cover up their own conspiracy?
The Germans
In how many universes does the Lignaeish Empire have a foothold?
In Sestri Levante …
Nathan triumphante!
Where do Doc's cousins live?
In Upstate New York
Which repository has the most commits, as of January 2024?
Why did no one help Hong Kong?
Because German sheeples prevented it.
Who secretly tries to influence the events of the Narraversum?
Ea Potestas
How would Doc react, if someone held a gun to his head?
Not at all.
Does Doc have a (probably not so) secret crush?
How many desktops does Doc have installed, as of January 2024?
Which nationality will be the Antichrist?
German, obviously