Disciples of Christ Get to Know Your Leadership Team! Books & Movies & Shows (Oh my!) Fun Facts
What is a chalice?
This is the symbol for the Disciples of Christ denomination.
What is Charlotte’s Web?
This is the bestselling children’s book of all time?
What is 15
This is the number of undergraduate universities affiliated with the Disciples of Christ
Who is Katherin Hepburn?

(4 awards!)
This actress has won the most Academy Awards in history?
What is 2 weeks
This is how long it takes a sloth to digest its food.
Who is Rev. Teresa "Terri" Hord Owens
This person is the General Minister and President for the Disciples of Christ
Who is Jonah Cloyd?
This leadership team member has seen Big Time rush in concert twice and played a rabbi in Fiddler on the Roof their senior year of high school.
What is Stranger Things?
This was the most streamed show on Netflix in 2019?
What is Venus?

(450 C/ 852 F)
This is the hottest planet in our solar system
What is 31?
This is the number of regional churches in the US and Canada
Who is Miranda Sullivan?
This leadership team member is a political science major and thought New Zealand was in Europe until a month ago.
What is 8 1/2 hours?
This is the number of it took to get Jim Carrey to look like the Grinch for the film How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
What is a unicorn?
This is the national animal of Scotland.
What is "A movement for wholeness in a fragmented world"
This is the identity statement of the Disciples of Christ denomination.
What is “The One After the Super Bowl”?
(Season 2, Episodes 12 & 13)
This is the most viewed episode of Friends when it originally aired.
What is a cactus?
According to TCU Magazine, when early TCU officials were searching for an appropriate mascot back in the late 1890s, this was the runner-up to the Horned Frog

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