Botswana | Nigeria | Tunisia | Equatorial Guinea | Try Your Luck |
South Africa, Nambia, Zimbabwe
What is 2 out of 3 countries that surround this country?
What is this country's film industry called?
The official language of Tunisia?
What is the capital of this country?
What is the dominant religion of Morroco?
Lagoon region, The Forest region, The Savanna
What is the desert that takes up 70% fo Botswana
Tropical, Rainy and Dry season
What are the climates of the country?
What is the American equivalent of the fried dessert Bambalouni?
What is the official language of this country?
The VP
Who has had the most terms served on Africa's Legacy E-Board?
What is this country the second-biggest producer of?
Igbo, English, English Creole, Hausa, Yoruba, Fula
Name 4 out of 6 languages in this country?
Land, they can inherit the family name and nationalities
What can women inherit in Tunisia? What can children inherit from their mothers?
Since when has the president been serving?
Business Admin x2, Economics, Biomedical Science, Kinesiology, Accounting, Clinical Psych, Political Science, Elementary Education
Name the majors of the E-Board?
Guitar, Bow Harpe
What is the extensively used string instrument by this country? There is 2
The left hand? Considered to be unclean and using it to be a sign of disrespect. Those that believe this do not eat
Which hand is not to be used when eating, shaking hands, or giving/receiving items? Why is this?
Mount Chambi
The tallest mountain in Tunisia?
October 12, 1968
When did this country become independent?
How many seniors are in the club?
How much of the country's territory is protected as national parks, sanctuaries, reserves, and wildlife management areas?
Aliko Dangote and 12 billion
The richest man in africa? What is his net worth?
France and Ottoman Empire.
What two countries/world powers had plans to take this country in the 1830s?
The Fang Ethnic Group
Who uses the mvet instrument?
Gold, Diamonds, Platinum
What are the main exports of Africa?