Historical Development of DNA technology | Current advances in molecular and organismal cloning techniques | Socio-economical and ethical impacts of DNA technologies | Applications of DNA techniques of ecological and medical issues | The Melting Pot |
What is 1952
The year that Rosalind Franklin’s team of researchers took the x-ray image of DNA that Watson and Crick based their double-helix model on
What is neomycin resistance gene or neoR gene
The selectable marker used in the replacement of a normal mouse gene, during the development of gene knockout mice
What are Bayer, Corteva, ChemChina and Limagrain
4 companies controlling more than 50 percent of the worlds seeds market
What is sickle cell disease
The condition from which symptoms such as anemia, fatigue, pain episodes, swelling come from
What is bacteria and archaea
The CRISPR-Cas technology was adapted from these organisms’ naturally occurring genome editing systems
What is Gregor Mendel
The name of the monk, known as the father of genetics, who experimented on pea plants to study the “invisible factor” that determines the traits of organisms
What is Clusters of regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats.
CRISPR stands for
What is a patient doctor confidentiality agreement
A relationship between patient and doctors not broken except for extreme circumstances
Southern technique
Laboratory technique used to detect specific DNA sequences in tissue samples or blood.
What are Martha Chase and Alfred Hershey
These two individuals discovered through experimentation with bacteriophage, that the genetic code of an organism is contained in the DNA
What is Pneumococcal bacteria, or Pneumonia
Frederick Griffith’s experiments with virulent and non-virulent strains of ______ in mice showed how genetic material from the inactivated virulent strain could be transferred to the live non-virulent strain, causing it to produce virulent offspring.
What is The β-globin gene
The gene where a mutation that causes sickle cell disease is found.
What is the genetic non discrimination act
A law implemented in Canada in 2017 prohibiting for any person to collect, use, or disclose your genetic test results without your written consent
What is Mucus
Cells that line the airway in the lungs will produce an abnormal amount of _______ due to mutation in CFTR gene on chromosome 7
What is somatic cell nuclear transfer
The laboratory strategy for creating a viable embryo from a body cell and an egg cell is known as
What is Matt Meselson and Frank Stahl
Two scientists who used E-Coli grown in solutions of Nitrogen15 and Nitrogen14 to determine that DNA replication is semi-conservative
What is a white-faced ewe named Dolly
The result of the fusing of an enucleated black-faced ewe egg and a mammary gland cell of a white-faced ewe together after being placed in a black-faced surrogate mother.
What are Bayer and Corteva
Two companies strict limitations on how much and what crops specific farmers sell through the use of binding contracts to prohibit the saving and resowing of seeds the following year
What is Gene therapy
Process where genetic problems are able to be fixed at its source.
What is UPOV
The WTOs guidelines forcing all member nations to protect plant variety in some degree produced this intergovernmental organization
What is the idea that genes are expressed through the production of enzymes.
The contribution of Beadle and Tatum’s experiment to the genetic theory involving mutagenized and wild fungal spores.
What is gene knockout
A white-faced ewe named Dolly
The technique used to prevent an organism’s gene expression |
What are the issues surrounding DNA technology in law enforcement
Basic human error and human bias, linking innocent people to crimes, privacy rights, and a surge in racial disparities
What is the main concern about the effects of GM foods on health
Transfer of antibiotic resistance, allegenicty, and toxicity
What is the first approved GM food from Health Canada
Fast growing salmon, called AquAdvantage