DNA | RNA | Protein Synthesis | Mutations | Miscellaneous |
What is a double helix
DNA consists of two molecules that are arranged into a ladder -like structure called
What is Ribonucleic Acid
Name this molecule: RNA
What is Protein Synthesis
The assembly of amino acids into proteins
What are Mutations
Changes in nucleotide sequence of DNA
What is Replication
The process that makes an exact copy of a cell's DNA is called
What is phosphate group, sugar, and nitrogenous base
Each Nucleotide consists of
What is one
Number of strands in RNA
What are Transcription and Translation
The two steps of Protein Synthesis
What is Cancer
This results from somatic mutations
What is DNA consists of one original strand and one new strand
The process of making new DNA molecules is semiconservative, what does this mean?
What are Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine
Nucleotides of DNA
What is Ribose
Name of the sugar associated with RNA
What is 1
Set of 3 bases (codons) call for how many amino acids
What is frameshift mutation
This type of mutation changes the "reading frame" giving a new amino acid sequence
Who is Rosalind Franklin
Who used x-rays to find the structure of DNA, but unfortunately died before she was able to receive a Nobel Price?
What are codons
Bases are arranged into triplets called
What are Adenine, Uracil, Cytosine, and Guanine
Nucleotides of RNA
What is anticodon
Each codon of mRNA is matched to an _____________, or complementary sequence on the tRNA to determine the order of amino acids
What is Translocation
What type of mutation involves two chromosomes that are not homologous where part of one chromosome is transferred to another
Who is Erwin Chargaff
Who studied the nitrogenous bases of DNA and discovered their complementary base pairing?
Give the complementary base pair for the following sequence: ATT-CGC-ATG-ACT-TTG-CAC-GCA
What are Messenger RNA, Ribosomal RNA, and Transfer RNA
Complete names for the 3 types of RNA
Amino Acid: Ser- Pro- Asn- STOP
Give the appropriate mRNA sequence and Amino Acid Sequence (Use your Codon Chart) for the following:
What is Deletion, Inversion, Translocation, Nondisjunction, and Duplication
5 types of CHROMOSOME mutations
Who are Watson and Crick or James Watson and Francis Crick
What two scientists are accredited for completing the first correct model of the structure of DNA?