DNA | Sexual and Asexual Reproduction | Mitosis | Meiosis | Grab Bag |
What is double helix: 2 strands of nucleotides
What phrase used to typically describe the structure of DNA?
What is identical to the parent
Relative to the parent, what is the genetic makeup of an offspring produced by asexual reproduction?
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
What are the four phases of mitosis
What is gametes
The main purpose of meiosis is to produce this.
What is uracil (instead of thymine)
What base is present in RNA that is not present in DNA?
What is nonsense
What is the name of a mutation that results in a premature stop codon?
What is mitosis
What form of cell division (mitosis or meiosis) is used for asexual reproduction
What is identical
What is the genetic makeup of a daughter cell to the parent cell after the parent cell undergoes mitosis?
What is haploid
This is the term used to describe a gamete that is "n" rather than "2n"
What is cancer
What is the term used to describe loss of control of the cell cycle, resulting in unregulated cell division?
What are three hydrogen bonds for cytosine-guanine and two hydrogen bonds for adenine-thymine
How many and what type of bonds hold DNA bases together?
What is genetic diversity
What is the main advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual?
What is 2
How many daughter cells does a single cell produce after it undergoes mitosis?
What is 4
How many daughter cells does a single cell produce after it undergoes meiosis?
What is S phase
During what phase of the cell cycle are the chromosomes replicated?
Watson and Crick, at Cold Spring Harbor labs
Which two famous scientists are credited for discovering the structure of DNA?
What is M phase
During what phase of the cell cycle does mitosis occur?
what is everywhere
Where in the body does mitosis occur relative to meiosis, which only occurs in the gametes?
What is prophase
During what phase of meiosis do nuclear envelopes dissolve and DNA condenses?
What is mRNA, tRNA, rRNA
What are the three main types of RNA, and what are their roles?
Transcription: DNA to RNA
Translation: RNA to proteins
What is the main difference between transcription and translation?
males are XY, females are XX
What is the difference between sex chromosomes in males and females?
What is prophase I
Female gametes are arrested after this point of meiosis, only undergoing full meiotic division during ovulation.
The name of the part of the chromosome that holds sister chromatids together during meiosis?
DNA methylation
What DNA modification causes gene inactivation?